Someone needs to hear this. God has forgiven YOU. Now it’s time to forgive yourself!
His word says in Hebrews 8:12, “For I will be merciful toward their iniquities, and I will remember their sins no more.”
Do you hear and understand that?? God remembers our sins NO MORE. Forgiven, wiped clean. No shame, no guilt, no judgement, no condemnation. His mercies are NEW and His love is unconditional.
Trust me, I know that one of the hardest things to do is to come face to face with yourself and forgive yourself from some of the choices you have made in life. I know for me, this was one of the longest seasons of healing. I had to strip ALL the grave clothes off that were holding me captive. The ones that weighted me down from the heaviness of life. The ones that made me feel dirty, unworthy, unlovable and not good enough. The ones that blurred my vision of whom God created me to be and the ones the continuously held me hostage from walking in the fullness of my calling.
I had to go to the mountaintop with the Lord time and time again as I wrestled out the pain, the hurts, the wounds and I needed to give myself time to grieve what was taken, and lost. Once I surrendered my ugly for His beauty, I fully embraced the depths of forgiveness God offers and not only did I realize that I am forgiven, I realized I am enough in HIM.
For that person that needs this reminder today. Take a deep breath and inhale in that you are His BELOVED child. Breathe in that nothing can separate you from the love of God and ask God to strip the veil that is covering your eyes so you can fully see the magnitude in which He loves you. Know that God is waiting for you to run to Him with open arms. He does not see you as damaged, broken, unworthy, unloveable, unfixable or anything less that what HE has created you to be and that is HIS son, HIS daughter. He will break all the chains holding you captive. He will resurrect the dry bones rattling inside of you, He will redeem you and He will set you free. Trust that for no other reason than this.. God desperately LOVES YOU ❤️
You are a treasure my friend. There is NOTHING you have walked through, been through or encountered that is too big or toosmall for God. He is our healer, our ultimate counselor, our great physician, our miracle worker and our GREAT I AM.
He takes what is broken and creates a beautiful masterpiece out of it. He turns our mourning into dancing and makes beauty from our ashes. He promises to cover you with His feathers and be a safe place of refuge for you. He promises to never leave you nor forsake you and He promises to be your ever present HOPE in times of trouble. Trust in these words. These are not teasers, these are His truths and His promises.
Take that step today to look at yourself in the mirror and bless what you see. Stop placing unnecessary burdens on yourself that were never meant for you to carry. Breathe in the truth that you have been forgiven and your sins, He remembers no more. It’s time for you to do the same. It’s time to shake off the shame and guilt of your past and it’s time to stop allowing the enemy to taunt you with the things that have already been surrendered to the foot of the cross. It’s time to stand your post on the authority of Christ and it is time in the victory, in the freedom He has blessed you with.
Praying a covering of healing over you all I and praying for that moment today when you can fully breathe in and embrace that not only are you a child of the One True King, but you are fully FORGIVEN?
Love you all in abundance ❤️?