For the person(s) that is in the midst of a storm, a dark valley or is traveling their journey and weariness is creeping in, this is my heart, my prayer for you today.
God hears the deep cries of your soul and He covering you and carrying you through. Know that it ok to not be ok because in the not ok is when you find yourself on the ground, grieving and crying out to God in desperation. In the not ok, God meets you in ways that resurrect the dry bones rattling inside of you and He redeems what the enemy has tried to steal, kill and destroy. In the not ok, God disperses His army of angels into your life to lift you up even though you do not think you can stand. He disperses His army of angles to come alongside of you, to breathe life back into collapsed lungs, to point you towards the light in the dark tunnel and to be be your strength in your most fragile, weakest moments. He disperses His army of angels to remind you to be still and KNOW He is God.
He disperses angels in your life to love on you, to stand in the gap, go before the throne room on your behalf and to carry you through. He has not left you. He has not forsaken you. He is meeting you in the depths of your valley to love on you in such a way that the power of His transforming grace will allow you to barrel crawl through the muck in order for you to wash yourself off in the ocean of His purifying, anointed, healing LOVE.
I am praying today that as He launches you into the deep you rest in His embrace as you showers you with His shalom. Not the peace of this world, but the peace God lavishes upon you and the peace He leaves with you. There is NO need to fight this or run from this. This is where He has allowed you to be in order for you to experience Him in ways you would have shut down or closed off. He is bringing you into the deep because He desires you, the depths of you to unravel, unfold, be stripped of graves clothes so HE can clothe you with His unfailing love.
Surrender, lean in and breathe Him in today. Allow HiM to infiltrate Himself into every morsel of your being. Allow the stillness of His gentle whispers to speak to you in ways that bring excitement into the crevasse of your soul and allow Him to do what only He can do. All He asks is for you to be still.
God is bringing you new life. He is birthing forth a deeper faith. He is preparing you and equipping you for the next steps. Praise Him. Not necessarily by words but through worship. Praise Him for choosing you when you don’t understand the why.
Praise Him for the work He has done, is doing and continues to do even when your faith is being stretched and challenged. It is in these moments, in the desperate times of the unknown, in the desperate times in the valley, on the battlefield, when our souls are shattered and we are crying out to Him with any glimpse of hope left within us that we experience the progression of transforming grace and love. It is in these moments we breathe Him in and a stillness resonates in and through our depleted bodies. It is in these moments, in our weakness that He is our strength, uplifting us with His righteous right hand, covering us with His wings, that He becomes our safe place of refuge. It is in these moments we can finally exhale knowing He is going before us, paving the way. It is in these moments we know He has us in the palm of His hands and He will once again propel us so we can soar on the wings of eagles.
Remember deep calls onto deep. We are to bare one another’s burdens, weep with those who weep and rejoice with those who rejoice. You were not meant to do this alone. Reach out to someone you trust and allow them into the sacred parts of your hurting soul. Allow the healing presence of God to show up in ways you never dreamed of or imagined. He will make a way. Trust the process as you let go and let God.
I am covering you, going before you, standing on the battlefield, standing in the gap, PRAYING you through. You are not alone. You are seen. You are heard. You matter and YOU are deeply loved my friend.
In JESUS name AMEN!!!
Sending big big big Jesus love and hugs to you all.