The heavens declare His glory. What an incredible view God blessed us with last night after the storm came ravaging through.
Have you ever been in the depths of the valley and the dark clouds that are hovering over your every day have been so daunting and debilitating that the difficultly of you seeing any glimpse of light that lays ahead leaves you hopeless? Have you even been caught in the tsunami’s of life that trying to gasp for air has left you on a 911 emergency call to God because your lungs are collapsing and breathing becomes more and more difficult?
If this is you, if you are face planted on the ground begging, pleading to God for a breakthrough, for a miracle to blindside you so you can finally start standing up again I want to encourage you with this: God sees you. He feels where your heartbeat has lost a steady rhythm and He is intune with the depths of loneliness that are isolating you. He has heard your cries for help. He has been there on the mountaintop, right beside you, holding you as you have wrestled some heavy pains and burdens out. He has caught the tears that you have been shedding away and He has stood in the gap when you couldn’t muster up enough strength to take the next steps and He has carried you through when your wings were to heavy to soar.
Know God is meeting you in the deep. Know God is meeting you in your despair. Know God is weeping with you and that He is meeting you on your ground inorder to speak life giving words of hope, of love back into your depleted soul so you can finally be able to breathe in His anointed, resurrected, and redemptive healing love.
God’s greatest work in done in the valley. That is where we experience and witness the hand of God in ways that leave us forever marked, forever changed, and forever transformed. The skies last night, their magnificence came after a torrential downpour. It came after the thunder and lightening and it came after everyone was under shelter, nestled in a safe hiding place.
Today, stand in a posture of surrender. Stand in a posture with your eyes fixed on the Lord and stand in a posture ready to receive all that God is pouring down upon you. God wants to do a mighty work in and through you and this storm that you are entrenched in, it is only for a minuscule of a second in time when you think about the longevity of your journey with Him.
Do not be so preoccupied with the hail damage that the enemy is trying to take your out with. Take out your umbrella and shield yourself from the schemes the enemy is trying to catapult your way. Rebuke the enemy and stand firm in your faith. Remember no weapon formed against you shall prosper.
Embrace what Gos is allowing to unfold in your life and praise Him through the storm. There is a peace that surpasses all understanding that comes after the frantic storms. There are rays of sunshine that radiate through the darkest of skies and there are a great cloud of witnesses cheering you on. Stand your post in bold, fierce Jesus confidence and be still, allowing God to do what only He can do.
Your life portrait, it is being painted out right now and the exquisiteness of God’s glory that continues to fall down upon your canvas is making the most jaw dropping masterpiece your eyes have ever witnessed.
If you need someone to sit with you, someone to listen or someone to pray with your please reach out, I would absolutely love to talk and walk Jesus out with you.
Know you are all simply amazing. Know I love you and know that I am praying you through 🩷