Question I have been sitting with, in fact wrestling with. God knows all things and uses all things. With all the storms that we are being hit with, in nature and in life, what is God trying to grab our attention with? What is He trying to speak to us in and through this? What are the floods symbolic of and what is God trying to flood out, wash out in my/ our lives? What are we, as believers supposed to do with all of this and how should we walk this out well, glorifying Him in the process?
The preparation before the storm allows us to not only to prepare emotionally, physically, and mentally, it helps us prepare spiritually as well. The preparation gets us ready for what we believe is to come but it does not always fully prepare us for the actual storm that may have picked up speed and intensity. The preparation does not always prepare us for or the aftermath that follows, the debris that needs cleaned up or the fractures it leaves in our foundation.
So as I sit here, with a deep sense of intercession, a heavy heart and while I am standing my post, suiting up and warring up for the battle set before us, I find myself wrestling with an uneasiness, an anxiety, an uncomfortable grace for what is to come. I have been praying for God to search my heart. For Him to call forth the chaos I have been burdened with and to clean out the clutter in my own life so I can prepare for this next storm without floating debris scattered throughout my soul. I have been leaning into God’s truths, His promises and I am clinging to the cross as we make some decisions in the pathway in which we need to travel in order to divert the eye of this dangerous storm.
This, all this is just a sneak peak into the ongoing wrestles and prayers I have been toying with as I am on my knees praying for the storms that are about to rock the foundations of so many homes.
So, as you prepare, as you evacuate for safety, know I am PRAYING for you and hemming you into the presence of God as He fans into flame His presence, His peace, and His love.
Know you are not alone. Know you can take shelter in my home but you can also take shelter, take refuge in the Lord. He is your hiding place. He is your Prince of Peace, your comfort and your Great I Am.
Know even in the eye of the storm God is with you. His truths, His promises, His covenant surrounds you. Know this storm too shall pass, and know that God promises that when we pass through the waters you will not be overtaken, you will not drown. For He is the Lord God almighty who was and is and is to come. Rest in that.
Love you immensely and standing in the gap while I intercede on your behalf and pray you all through 🩷🙏🏼