They lift you up when you can’t stand. They encourage you, pray for you, they stand in the gap, intercede on your behalf and speak life into you. They see you at your best and at your worst. They do not pass judgment on your choices or actions but position you before the Lord for healing, for truth and for love. They do not tear you down but build you up in the Lord. They stand by your side, cheer you on and speak life giving words into your soul. They call forth the gifting in you and they are not envious of the anointing you carry but encourage you to take the next steps in the journey God ordained for your life. They meet you at your worst to remind you that you are not alone. They meet you at your best, reminding you they are soaring across the skies alongside of you. They weep with you and they rejoice with you. They withstand the storms with you and they love you without boarders.
Friendships, God anointed friendships are a treasured gem from the Lord. Nurture them. Be intentional with them. Be vulnerable and transparent with them. Allow your masks to shed off when you are with them and do everything you can to preserve them. True friends are rare and treasured gem. God disperses His army of angels in your life in the form of friendships, so do not overlook those that are positioned before you. God continuously sees the desolate and hurting areas in your life. He sees when your heartbeat is out of rhythm the He sees when you need an extra dose of Jesus love in your life to carry you through. His presence is always surrounding you and He sends the right angel at the right time into your life to give you a glimpse of just how loved you are. Embrace all that He has blessed you with because you my friends are deeply LOVED ❤️
Today, reminded yourself that you are worthy. That you are seen, that you matter and that you are enough. God has blessed you with friends, even for a season, to be His hands and feet, pouring out the Jesus love in your life you are desperately needing and seeking. Do not be so quick to dispose of friendships that have hurt or offended you. Humble yourself, show grace and forgiveness and work through the hard because a God anointed friendship is worth every ounce of fight you have. There are just some things, some people worth fighting for.
Run to God and stand in a posture of praise for sending you His army of angels that you get to call, FRIEND ????
Love you all and praying you though ????????????