These clouds, oh how they captived my eyes as a surge of joy fluttered through my soul.
They were pure, they were fluffy, they had magnitude and depth. They were full of vibrancy, full of God’s mercy and grace.
Two different cloud patterns in the sky taking up two different spaces. These clouds reminded me of the different journeys we are all walking and how some of us are full of life while others of us are depleted by the desolating darkness that hovers over us. These clouds brought me to a place of surrender as they humbled me into a position of prayer and intercession for you all.
Praying your day is blessed in overflowing abundance. Know the aches and fractures in your soul are being healed as God showers you with His healing love. Be still today and allow Him to implode His goodness and His peace over your life.
Remember He takes His potters hands and remolds the clay into a beautiful and exquisite masterpiece. As His potters hands collects what has shattered and places it upon the potters wheel, allow Him to spin out the debris that is keeping the pieces He has gathered together from fitting into perfect alignment with His unfolding of your life. Allow Him to spin into being the depths in which He has created you and formed you. The depths into which He is calling you and the depths into where He is asking you to throw your net.
Trust the process. If He is for you, who can be against you? Allow Him to refine you in the fire. Allow Him to shed off all the skin that may have been burnt and allow the glistening glow of Jesus illuminate off each step you take and with each breath you inhale.
Dry bones may rattle but they will come back to life. Surrender, let go and let God. He has the immeasurably, exceedingly and abundantly more marked out for your life. Now it’s your decision if you are willing to drop everything to follow Him. The choice is yours but let me tell you this. When you say YES, even in the unknown, the freedom, the blessings and the joy that comes bursting forth in overflowing abundance is worth it all. Trust His gentle whisper. Trust His lead. Trust the unknown. Trust that as He leads you besides quite waters He will restore your soul.
There is a cloud in your life that is beginning to swell. Stand in a posture of surrendered faith, praise Him with every breath and as He pours down His healing rain, let it saturate you.
Covering you. Going before you and interceding on your behalf. Know you have not been forsaken. Know God has you in the palm of His hands. Know He is your safe place of refuge and know He is going before you, dispersing His army of angels around you and He is paving the way.
Know you are seen. Know you matter. Know you are LOVED. You are His beloved and He is plans for your life that will prosper you and give you an incredible future.
Love you and praying you through ❤️??