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Nothing in your life has happened on accident. Your story, your life, the pains, trials and struggles, the victories and triumphs, they will ALL be used for His glory and praise. The Bible says in Romans 8:28 that we know in ALL things God works for the Good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.
Meaning, everything that we have walked through in life, even the hardest most ugliest heart wrenching circumstances we have faced will ALL be used to testify of His love, His faithfulness and His guiding hands that carried you through. His hope, His light, His anointed promises that allowed you to take even a small gasp of breath when you felt as though you were drowning, ALL of it will work together and your life will be used to touch another individual, the masses that have lost their way and that think the darkness of their life is too horrifying that they have given any sort of hope of walking in light again.
Listen it is sooo easy to fall victim to the circumstances we face. It takes about a millisecond for the enemy to turn your thinking around and to drag you down a Dark lonely road but God is soo much bigger than any circumstance we face. On the cross at Calvary He won the battle. He finished it once and for all for ALL of us. He sacrificed His life to save ours. He conquered the grave and the Victory belongs to ALL of us. Let’s start walking with our heads raised high, with our eyes focused on Him and with our hearts, minds and souls truly grasping and embracing the depths of His divine, anointed love for us. Let’s start looking beyond our circumstances and start walking out the victory of the cross.
Allow Him to do what only He can do and that is, He brings hope to the hopeless, light into darkness, He turns our mourning into dancing, He brings strength to the weak and stillness in any storm. He is comfort, He is peace and He is LOVE.
I don’t know where you are at today but turn to Him. Allow Him to turn your circumstances around and allow Him to perform a miracle in and through your life. All you have to do is lean into Him, be still enough to breath all of Him in and exhale out all of His faithfulness and goodness. Say YES to him. ❤️🙏❤️
#powerofourtestimony #unfailinglove #Hewonthebattle