While driving the kiddos to school this morning, God blessed me with this beautiful portrait of His majestic handiwork and as I gazed upon the lanes of fire that blazed across the sky, I immediately knew the truths in which He was speaking to the depths of my soul:
These are the two lines of the road God has called you to travel, the long and narrow.
Are you going to choose the long and narrow road He has clearly marked out for you? Or are you going to stray to try and follow a road that was never designed for you to journey through? Are you going to walk in the pathway of His unwavering love for you or are you going to test the waters and keep one foot in His lane and one foot in the world?
I know for some of you the lines of your life may seem to be unclear and you are not sure if staying within the lines God has called you to stay within is worth the pain, the heartache and the anguish you face day in and day out but I want to encourage you with this.
God gives us clear lines, a clear path to walk and He even lights up the way. The path is not blurry or tainted, it is a crystal clear pathway that is marked out before your eyes. Will we put our own blinders on because we fear the unknown? Will we put our hazard lights on because we fear the stripping and purification process as well as fearing the cost we will have to pay for following Jesus? Absolutely we will. No one ever said that once you surrender your life to Christ that the journey would be easy. In fact, it is almost the opposite. God is not going to lead you onto a path that will leave you feeling desolate, alone, rejected and unwanted. He is not going to lead you onto a path where you feel you are not good enough but He is not going to leave you where He found you on your own broken road. God loves you way too much to leave you scrapped up and bleeding out. God is going to lead you onto a path that will stretch you, that will prune you and that will purify you but along the way He is going to disperse His army of angels around you to clothe you with His love as you grow deeper in His truths, in His ways.
I want to encourage you today not hesitate in taking that leap of faith over lines of your life because before you know it the clear lines in which you were to travel will slowly fade away and blend into foggy skies. You will not know which foot to step forward with first and you will not know if you are teetering on the boundaries of your life. You will mistakenly take a detour and you will find yourself blindly searching for a pathway that will lead you back within the lines He has lit up for you to stay within.
So today, jump over the lines that you feel have you bounded up in chains and allow His fire to surround you as He fans you into the flame of His presence, His calling, and His anointing over your life.
Today, keep your eyes fixed on God, the author and perfecter of your faith and ask Him to show you the lines in your life in which He has clearly ordained for you to walk.
Remember, your life, your journey, it is the one He specially blueprinted out for YOUR life. So stay in your lane, stay within the protective lines He has built around your life. Stay within the lanes of fire that are burning deep within your soul as you stay obedient to the gentle whispers of His voice. Walk in a bold and fierce confidence knowing He is going before you and paving the way. Walk the long and narrow road He is asking you to walk and know, He is guiding you, protecting you, and making the curvy, winding and broken roads straight. The cost, well it is to die to self so you can embrace and know more and more of Jesus. So trust His voice. Trust the process and trust the journey. The cost is well with it.
“Being confident of this, He who has begun a great work within you WILL finish until completion until the day of Christ Jesus,” (Philippians 1:6).