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Have you ever walked through your days and felt alone, misunderstood, or even discontected because no one really has taken the time to know the depths of who you are? Have you ever walked through your days feeling disposable, used or mistreated because you always seem to be the one to fill the void in someone else’s life but yet no one as taken the time to stand in the gap of your journey on your behalf? Have you ever felt as though you are just not good enough to ever find that one person that will drop everything, show up, meet you where you are without envy or judgement, love you unconditionally and just be your person to walk life out with? 

I really want you to hear these words and allow them to marinate in your soul. YOU ARE NOT ALONE. I cannot begin to tell you the plethora of people I meet with, encounter and talk with that are feeling the same way, asking the same questions and are walking through their days in the heat of the desert alone because they haven’t found that one person to journey through life with. Listen, I get it. We all hunger and thirst to find that someone in our lives that we can just to talk to and where time stands still. We pray for that someone that sees beneath the surface, recognizes the pain, the weakness, sees the unrecognized strengths and draws us closer to God because they gets us and choose to walk the valley and mountaintop experiences with us. A person where we find a resting space, a safe place where we can be our unraveled and true selves  without being judged or condemned for the bumps and bruises we have endured through the journey. A safe place we can unload our dirty laundry and instead of leaving our clothes out to dry on their own, we know this someone will be there to help us run the laundry machines of life to help us clean up the stains that have been embedded deep within our souls. 

Sometimes we need that person that knows us so well that they are in tune with the spirit within us, that can hear the despair in our voices and are willing to do anything they can to position us before the throne room, pouring love and truth back into our weary soul. Sometimes we need that person that shows up no matter what they are trekking through, but hears our crisis call and places our needs above their own. Sometimes we need that one person that continuously builds us up instead of tearing us down, and sometimes we need that one person that stands in the gap, on the frontlines of the battlefield praying us through whatever devastating storm, turbulence, or praise worthy situations are being thrown our way. 

I know many of us struggle trying to find that person. The one that sees the depths of the wounds you are carrying and the one that is willing to get bloody trying to stitch you back up. The one where the layers of masks you wear on a daily basis are torn off because this person has proven time and time again to be trustworthy, loyal, and faithful. The one that has met you in the deep dark seas of life and the one that has never failed being there, reaching out their hand to be a life vest you need so you don’t drown. The one that encourages you: The one where all the walls come crumbling down because healing transpires in the crevices of your souls just by being in their presence. The one where you can be you, purging out the flesh, grieving losses, celebrating achievements and being fully free to be able to walk in the anointing God has gifted within you. The one that cheers you on and has fervently shows you that you, your life, and your story matters. The one that has laid down their life for you because the anointing in your friendship is not only a blessing to you, but to them as well and they have chosen to be the one to walk beside you through your journey of life. 

These friends are rare to find, but a treasured gem once you do. If you have been blessed with this friend do everything and anything you can to hold onto them, cherish them and be intentional with them. They are way too precious to overlook and possibly loose. 

If you are still searching and praying for this friend, DO NOT stop praying. Your life is too precious and valuable to God to leave you feeling alone. He is dispersing His army of angels around you, covering you and He is paving the way.  Maybe you need to get out of your own mental space to what you are expecting, take the veil off your eyes and face the reality that what you have been desperately praying for may have already been provided. Remember God doesn’t always answer our prayers in our timing or in the ways we had hoped or expected. Your angel, your saving grace, your person just might be standing right in front of you but you have been too consumed with how this person would look and act that you don’t recognize the angel placed right before you and standing right beside you.  

Take time to truly listen to the heartbeat of your friends. Those that are close to you and those that you truly believe are the angels God sent your way. They might be in a weak and vulnerable place but they don’t feel safe enough to talk about their emotions. Be different. Be the ear they need, the eyes they need and faith they need to help them take a new posture so the wrecking ball of life doesn’t demolish them. Be the  hands and feet of Jesus. Love on them differently and help position them before the healing hands Jesus, helping ignite the fire deep within.  

Remember you are not alone so as desperately as you are seeking this “friend” the person next to you is probably functioning in the same demeanor  as they CRAVING this “friend” as well in their lives. Today, you can be someones saving grace. You could be the answer to their prayers or the angel God dispersed to come alongside of them to help carry them through. Do not overlook the small “coincidence” moments because I truly believe those moments are God anointed and appointed. They are the moments God ordained for purification and transformation. Be the blessing someone needs and help change their atmosphere by pointing them to the hope and light in Jesus.

Jesus says in Matthew 11:28, “Come to me all who are weary and heavy burdened and I will give you rest.” Be that place where someone can find rest within their soul just by being in your presence because with God all things are possible.