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Today I have so so very much to be thankful for. God chose an amazing man to walk into my life, take a chance on a broken wounded girl and he has loved me in ways I could have never thought possible. He has blessed me with three amazing beautiful children here on earth and two babies awaiting to see me in heaven. He has blessed me with amazing family and friends and he has allowed me to walk a crazy hard life to which I am forever grateful because it ultimately lead me to knowing him. I cannot imagine my life any different than what it has been and continues to be. As I track through this journey God has been my source of strength, hope, love and perseverance. I am thankful he chose me, that he has allowed me to walk through some of the most difficult of days and that he has brought amazing people to come alongside of me. You will never know how deeply I truly love you all and pray that you take a moment today to be thankful for this journey called life that you are on. No matter how good or bad life may seem right now, God has blessed you with life and for that we should all be thankful. Be blessed today