When change happens, especially in my life, I can find it so hard to let go of the vine that has kept me attached to the things I believed I needed to survive. My vision can be blurred as I can settle into a place of complacency, even though the things keeping me attached can be dysfunctional, causing pain, heartache and ultimately keeping me from seeing God’s best for my journey of life. I often struggle with fear of failure and not wanting to fall because if I fall, I am not sure who will be there to catch me and lift me back up. I question the process. I question the journey. I question my level of trust and if I am even strong enough to wither the storm that allowed me to fall off the unsturdy branch to begin with.

I know I am not the only one who struggles with the release, the change, the breaking off of the old so new growth can blossom. I know I am not the only one that questions the process, the journey, trusting God in the midst of the pruning, knowing His plans far exceed my own.
You see, we so often hold onto offenses, hurts, disappointments, grievances, rejection, abandonment and we walk in these “dysfunctional” behaviors as if they were part of our identity. We hold onto these things masking the depths of who we are because we have been clothed in lies for so long, the fear of being stripped down into Gods truth leaves us in a vulnerable and exposed reality of the bondage the enemy has entangled us within. We are blinded by a false reality which untimely connects us to the things that destroy us. We sometimes try and control the things we have no control over and we sometimes, well all the time, need to just let go and LET GOD.
Trust me I know letting go and letting God is not the easiest faith walk to travel. It is hard to trust and have a bold faith knowing that when we let go, God will catch us so we don’t completely fall. However, God calls us to walk by faith and not by feelings, emotions, beliefs or by sight. He calls us to walk this tightrope of faith, believing that when we let go, we will fall into the loving embrace of Jesus. He wants us to trust that when we let go He will teach us how to fly, soaring high above the mountains.
Today, I challenge you, I challenge myself to stand in a posture of surrendered faith as we allow God to prune, strip and cut off the branches, the leaves that are hindering us from walking in the fullest potential of God’s calling on our lives. Sometimes it takes a “fall” for us to recognize what we needed to let go of but we were to scared, not feeling “strong” enough to let it go on our own. Today be thankful for the shedding, for the sudden drop, for the fall because it is in these things we witness the hand of God in ways that sustain us and carry us through.
Love you all and praying your through 🙏🏼