I am praying today that you would receive a downpour of God’s shalom peace over you and that you would stand in a posture of expectancy as you receive what your soul has been thirsty for and needing. That whatever has been dehydrating your soul would be quenched by the Holy Spirit and that you would be filled with a new hope, a new vision and new desires. That everything you may have pushed aside to appease others or to get their approval, that you would allow God to resurface was has been dormant for so long and that you would lean into God knowing that He who has called you to it, will prepare you and equip you for it.
Praying today you step outside of your comfort and stop putting your gifting in a box. It is time to fully unwrap the gift in which has been crafted within you and it is time for the diamond inside to come out of darkness and shine. There are no limits to what God has placed within you. Ask God to show you beyond what the eyes can see. Then, go chace it and capture what God is unfolding before your eyes.
God has riches, treasures hidden in secret places. Go on a scavenger hunt to find the ones awaiting for you. Once you discover it, open the box with anticipation as you will finally get to indulge into the gems that have needed your hands to shine because these treasures, they are all tidbits of your anointing that needed to be taken out of hiding so you can fully step into the calling God entrusted you to walk in.
Remember, He who began a great work within you will finish until completion. He has never left you nor forsaken and trust me, He is not going to abandon you now. God is calling you to the immeasurable, exceedingly and abundantly more. Take His hand that is stretched out before you. Through your net into the depths of the waters. Jump into the seas knowing He has you. Surrender your will to His WILL and close your eyes as you walk boldly by faith knowing He is going before you paving the way.
Today, stop what your doing, sit beside the quite waters and allow God to fill your soul. Embrace the beauty of Gods creation around you and breathe in His anointed, healing love. He will still the chaos within and He will bring you to a place of complete peace, of complete rest in Him. Trust the process as you allow Him to lead your dance of life. You got this because He has you. Love y’all and praying your through ❤️??