I took this picture yesterday morning as I was leaving the gym. The sun had a reflection of itself in the clouds and I loved it because I was literally in a zone PRAYING as I was reflecting on life and how so often we don’t see our reflection as the beautiful creation in which God created us to be. God spoke to my soul profoundly through His creation, through the sun “SON”
Later on last night I was scrolling through my camera on my phone and was blown away as I looked at this picture I took earlier in the day. I didn’t just see the intentional picture of the sun I captured to remind me of my conversation I had with the Lord, I saw all these little bubbles floating around before my eyes. Bubbles I did not see while taking the picture as they were invisible to my human eyes. However these floating bubbles presented themselves in mass quantities and there was no doubt they existed.
I have always felt, that when you take a picture and these bubbles appear, that they were angles. Not sure where I got that but for some reason it is ingrained within my soul that they are God’s angels.
You see, the past few days I have been walking through some serious growing pains. Pains in which Advil can’t cure or take away. I have experienced intense growing pains in which I know I needed to journey through so God can use me in this next season of life. They are growing pains of change, transition, being the new kid on the block so to speak and they are pains of releasing control of the people I love so God can be their rescuer, not me. Ouch.. They are growing pains of my flesh wanting to be momma bear but the Jesus in me knowing we all have to navigate through this new journey placed before us with God. So, all I can do is listen, PRAY and position people before the healing hands of God. All I have to say is that the struggle has been REAL.
The reality is, a bandaid cannot fix these ouchies. But, leaning into the Lord, surrendering my ideas of how things should be, while trusting His lead and His divine plans for our lives, even when they don’t make any sense to us CAN.
I legit got full on body chills looking at this picture last night because you see, God was showing me that even though I could not see Him going before me and leveling the ginormous mountains I was facing, HE was dispersing His angels in front of me without me even seeing or recognizing it. He was going before me paving my way. He was making a way when I had seen no way. I know this may sound and look like some kind of crazy to you, but for me, this makes complete God anointed, supernatural sense. Thank you Jesus❤️
Isaiah 45:1-3, “This is what the Lord says to his anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I take hold of to subdue nations before him and to strip kings of their armor, to open doors before him so that gates will not be shut: I will go before you and will level the mountains; I will break down gates of bronze and cut through bars of iron. I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the Lord, the God of Israel, who summons you by name.”
What an incredible and overwhelming reminder that He is ALWAYS with us, going before us, standing on the battlefield fighting with us and for us. He promises He will never leave us nor forsake us. Y’all Chills!!!
I don’t know what you are walking through in your own journey. I know some are high on a mountaintop while others are deep within a valley. I know some are skating through life with the breeze of the wind whisking through their hair while others are on the ground barrel crawling, trying to grab onto anything and everything that might bring a glimpse of hope back into the dark road they are traveling. I want to encourage you with this. God is going before YOU and He is dispersing His army of angels out before you, paving a path and making a way. Do not throw in the towel. Do not believe the lies that there is no hope. There is hope and it is found in Jesus Christ, and Jesus Christ alone. He is your healer, redeemer, comforter, physician, miracle worker and He is the great I am. He uses ALL things for His kingdom and glory and that includes everything you have and continue to walk through. There is nothing you are going through right now that He cannot and will not redeem. God is good all the time and all the time God is good.
Praying you all through