Today’s devotional is INCREDIBLE
Suffering is never a prescription we would want written out for us to take but it is the medication we need in order to advance our walk with Christ, and advance the kingdom of God.
Doing the Will of God is never easy, in fact it can be debilitating and gut wrenching at times.
However, when we say YES, even through the internal temper tantrums of our soul, the blessings and the miracles that we get to watch unfold not only in our lives but in those God has positioned in our pathway, we praise God with an overflow of gratitude for Him choosing us to be the vessel He dispersed to bring heaven onto earth.
Never doubt the power of Christ. Be hard pressed to question the sacrificial suffering He is allowing you to endure. He chose you for a reason to be on the battlefield you are warring on. Armor up, stand your post and seek the Lord, asking Him how you can be used in advancing the kingdom as you conquer what He has set before you.
Know nothing you are witnessing, enduring or being faced with is on accident. Everything, I mean everything has been intentionally allowed to prune you, purify you and strip you so you can fully be all in which God has created you to be. Know God chose you to suffer alongside of Him so you could come alongside your fellow brethren being the hands and feet of Jesus, positioning them before the throne room as you help lead them to healing.
To live is Christ, to die is gain. Today, take your pain. Take your suffering. Take the detours, the cliffs and dead ends that have stopped you dead in your tracks from driving down the roads you were traveling and get on your knees as you pray, God not my Will, but Thy Will be done.
Be available to endure the road less traveled. Be available to the suffering of the cross. Be available to be used in ways you have never wanted because you felt the implications and side effects of the pain would be too heavy to bear.
Today, do what you know God has been pressing on your heart to do but you have been too scared to act on because you are fearful of what people may think of you. Today, do what you know would be a bold step of faith even if you fear that you are going to fall. Today, do what you know is stretching you and causing unnecessary anxiety because putting yourself in a position of transparency could cause judgment, and raw vulnerability. Remember, you were CHOSEN out of this world to be set apart and to be different. Today, place the bricks of worry at the foot of the cross and begin walking in the authority and in the calling God has imparted into your life.
God chose you, and in doing so He is equipping you and preparing for the suffering, and for the victory. Do not take this lightly because it is a humbling honor being gifted to you. All are called but few are chosen. So today, breathe in that God loves you so much that He refuses to allow you to stay complacent, in the steady of where you are. The suffering, the heartache, the pain, it is all for an extraordinary purpose to position you for the exceeding more in Christ. In all you do, in all you encounter, praise God in and through ALL things. “Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ,” (Philippians 1:6).