News flash. We all have stuff we are walking through. Some of us are in seasons of drought while others may be sitting by the beach soaking up all life has blessed them with. Many of us are walking around with a plethora of masks on because we are hiding behind a Jericho wall of fear, trembling inside because if anyone knew the depths of brokenness, of pain they were trekking through, they would be left rejected and alone in their journey of life.
Here is truth. Just because someone may seem “strong” and as though they have it all together, does not mean that is their truth. Just because someone seems “happy” all the time does not mean that aren’t being tormented by not feeling valued, seen or not good enough. Just because someone always seems available and says “yes” to everything does not mean they do not feel used, taken advantage of or unseen.
I know for me, in this current season, I am being slammed with the heaviness of grief. God is showing me all the losses I have experienced in my life and the unprocessed pain I still have to heal from and surrender. It’s the loss of people, friendships, relationships that I thought loved me and were there for me but have walked away without explanation. It is the miscarriage of my twins, loved ones dying too soon, dreams shattered, betrayal, trauma and abuse. And for some reason, in the past 24 hours I seem to be at the grave, realizing there was a hidden death inside of me as the crashing waves of all the things and people I have LOST in my life had a volcanic eruption upon my soul and overwhelmed me.
I am sharing this vulnerable piece of my life with you all so you can have a front row view into the open window of my soul. I am sharing this with you because I know I am not the only one that is in a pruning process of life and I want you to know you are not alone. I am sharing this because I serve a BIG God and I know turns graves into gardens, mourning into dancing and makes beauty from ashes. He is a miracle worker, redeemer and the Great I AM. Nothing is too big nor too small for Him. He uses all things for the good and glory of His kingdom and when we bring to light what has been hiding in darkness we get to be witness to the unfolding blessings and miracles of God. I am sharing this because I know that by His blood and by His testimony through my life story, there is a hope, a love that someone needs to cling too.
Today, listen for the gentle whispers from the Lord and reach out to that person that is on your heart. Be available and genuine enough to get to know someone and their heartbeat. Someone you may have thought of as invincible just might be feeling invisible. Someone you thought was “popular” with so many friends may be the one person that feels the most alone because although they pour out to so many people, no one is taking the time to pour into them.
Strong people HURT too. They are fragile, they break and sometimes they may need a friend to cry with, laugh with and help glue some broken pieces back together within their dismantled soul.
Don’t judge a book by its cover. If God places someone on your heart today, reach out to them. Let them know you care and they are not alone. You just may be the angel God is sending to them to be their saving grace. Their light in darkness. And you just might be the person that brings hope and love to someone who is in desperation, crumbling inside.
Love y’all and remember be kind. Be in tune with the Holy Spirit, with His prompting and pour out the LOVE of Jesus.