When someone feels safe enough with you, allowing their masks to come off as they open up and become vulnerable and transparent with you about their deepest hurts, struggles, fears and valleys they are facing, do not just say you will pray for them and walk away.
Stop what you are doing, silence the noises around you and be in tune with the silent noises of that persons heartbeat. Stop what you are doing and actually pray with them. Stop what you are doing and send a prayer through text message. Stop what you are doing and check in on them, encourage them, speak life and hope into them. Stop what you are doing and just do something. Stop what you are doing, lay down your life for your friend in need and SHOW UP.
Jesus tells us we must become less so that others may become more. Meaning, be different, act different, do different than what the world tells you to do. Be the hands and feet of Jesus. Be intentional, be encouraging, be trustworthy, be available and love on your fellow brothers and sisters through their darkness. Be available to pray someone through their storms and be available to position someone before the throne room of grace so God can shower them with His anointed, healing love and His shalom peace. Scripture says in Romans 12:15 that we are to weep with those who weep and rejoice with those who rejoice.
Do not be too busy that you miss the God anointed opportunities to speak a language of hope into someone else’s soul that transforms their day, their atmosphere, their walk with God. Come alongside others. Be a game changer, a kingdom changer, and bring heaven onto earth. Be the one that says YES to God’s lead and be the one to SHOW UP. Be the one that sacrifices your own needs and wants to attend to the one who is deeply hurting, who is shattered, broken, wounded and feeling ALONE. Be the one that shows selfless and sacrificial love. Be the one that invites people in, giving them a seat at your table while praying with them and for them so they can encounter Jesus on a deeper level.
Love with intention. Love without boarders. Love unconditionally, without judgment or envy and love as Jesus loves us. Love BIG and STOP. Even if you have a tight and limited schedule. Stop even if it means you will be late to something else. Be the hands and feet of Jesus. Be available to His voice, to His direction, to His lead because you just might be the angel God has called forth to be the saving grace in someone else’s life.
Stop and pray, you just might need the blessing just as much as the person you are praying for. Remember God uses ALL things for the good and glory of His kingdom. He wants to use you, so be available to be and do the exceedingly and abundantly more.
Love y’all in abundance and KNOW I am praying for YOU ????????????