This devotional is so good and I so needed this today.
Is anyone here in a season where you are walking boldly and blindly by faith? John, myself and our kids are. Last year John and I felt a strong nudge in our spirits from God asking us to get prepared. We strongly felt He has releasing us from our house and leading us elsewhere. On New Year’s Day of 2019 we sat around our kitchen table with the kids and talked to them about what was heavy on our hearts. We each took turn and prayed a prayer of surrender, putting our desires on the table as we asked God for His will to be done in our lives.
As the crazy year of 2020 unfolded we all came to a place where we felt the Lords leading to truly walk by bold and blind faith. We felt God asking us to leave everything comfortable in our faith walk and jump out of the boat, so we did.
We put our house on the market, sold it, moved into a small apartment and we have waited on His timing to release us to our Promise Land. We have not tried to do any of this on our own for we do not want to step ahead of His plans and timing for our lives. We have been STRETCHED in the process on so many levels but we have not wavered from what we know to be truth. He is calling us to a new place, a new mission field, a new level of Him. I am not saying there has not been moments of wrestling this out, of tears, of thinking did we get this wrong? BUT it has been in that wrestle that we have met Him in profound ways. It is in the wrestle we have seen His hand of protection and faithfulness. It has been in the wrestle we undoubtedly know He is going before us, paving the way and preparing us, preparing our land.
There has been a stripping of what we thought would be, what should be, of our desires, of our plans as we have truly had to relinquish it ALL to His ultimate GOOD plans. We have had to surrender, we have had to face some things that we had suppressed and there has been a crazy, intentional and HARD healing process.
We have GROWN as a family, our marriage is in the best place it has ever been and we have seen God’s faithfulness in and through our lives in ways we would have never seen before.
As of now, we are not sure what His plans are for us but we know He is working on our behalf, paving the way and the Red Sea will be split. We will continue to walk by faith, bold and blind faith even though we cannot see, TRUSTING in His plans for our lives.
We heard Him say jump out of the boat so we did and we will continue to swim, leaving our life preservers behind, trusting His timing and His lead until He brings us to our promise land.
If you are walking by faith, stay encouraged. Don’t waive the white towel in surrender because you are tired and want to give up. Trust that He is working with you and for you. In our flesh we want to control it all, trust me I get it. But when we walk by faith we need to relinquish that control for His ultimate and good plans for our lives. We are not supposed to see what is ahead. We are to trust Him, His lead and His plans without our own agenda. It is NOT easy but let me tell you, when He answers your deep prayers, your desires of your hearts and He presents the unbelievable gift He has been preparing for you, you will be blown away by His faithfulness. His ways are greater, better abs higher than ours. Trust Him. Trust His timing and watch it all unfold. It is a stretching but what a marvelous sight it is.
Love you all and praying you through ❤️🙏