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As I sit before the throne room of grace today, with a heart of praise and worship for all that God has allowed me to walk through, I wouldn’t be telling you the truth if I didn’t share that I am also sitting here with a heavy heart as I grieve some core losses in my life. There has been a major pruning and cutting off of things in my life that needed to be released so I can fully walk in freedom into the next steps of my journey in the Lord. This process, although gut arching at times, as left me in a posture of surrendered faith as I lay downr my expectations, my desires at the foot of the cross so Gods WILL, His perfect plan can unfold in my life.

I have sought His face. I have stood still as I have asked God to search my heart and clean out the weeds that have kept me entangled in bitterness, unforgiveness, and unattended grief. I have shed off heavy grave clothes that have weighed me down and have kept me out of alignment with His righteousness.

As I find myself surrendered differently in this season of life, my heart is heavy for those of you that are trekking through your own HARD season of life. I am praying the eyes of your heart will opened to see the anointed and orchestrated path God prepared for your life. I am praying He instills a deep HOPE within your souls that you can cling onto as you stand firm in knowing who you are and who HE has called you to be.

Know you are NOT alone and that you are DEEPLY loved. Know God will take everything that is broken, shattered and dismantled in your life and He will make beauty from the ashes, He will turn it all into something amazingly beautiful. All you need is FAITH!

Know that nothing you or I are walking through is by mistake. It is all being used to mold us into the God fearing individuals God has ordained us to be. Know I am standing in the gap, on the frontlines of the battlefield praying you, praying us through this day. May God’s light be a guiding light in your darkened path and may you begin to see and experience the treasures He has stored up for you, the riches in secret places. May you begin to walk with a strong, bold and courageous spirit as you walk this day out knowing He has YOU in the palm of His hands, carrying YOU through.

Embrace Him today and allow Him to lavish you with His anointed, supernatural love.

Love y’all in overflowing abundance 🩷🙏🏼