This is such a great picture to look at as you go before the Lord, surrendering the emotional prisons some of you are living in, so you can fully walk in His victorious freedom.
Friends, it is ok to hurt. It is ok to experience pain. It is ok to feel defeated, and it is ok to grieve. Most if not all of us have walked through or are walking through some sort of unimaginable pain.
Know that feeling some of these or ALL these emotions is necessary in order to position yourself before the Lord for His resurrected healing. It is important to process out the trauma, the wounds, the hardships and brokenness that has interrupted your journey because when you don’t, an emotional prison begins to take root, and begins to establish a residence deep within your soul which as time goes by, becomes harder and harder to unlock.
Today, I want to challenge you in something that you have masked and used as a security blanket to protect your heart from further damage. I want to challenge you to take God out of the little box you have placed Him in. I want to challenge you to allow Him into those sacred places of your soul that you have placed bandaids on so He can heal the wound that continues to bleed out. It is time you allow God to take what the enemy meant for evil and turn it into good. It is time to make beauty from your ashes friends.
Today, it is time to unlock the door of the emotional prison you are in. It is time to start walking out of the “cage” that has held you captive and it is time to inhale in the fragrance of His love. It is time to surrender what has paralyzed you and as you do, allow the butterflies that God has prepared in the dark cocoons of your soul to be released out of the cage so you can fly in resurrected freedom ??
Now is YOUR time to shine. Now is YOUR time to walk in the fullness of whom God created YOU to be and NOW is the time to reclaim the land the enemy tried so hard to drive you out of. Now is your time to be set free and to walk in the redemption of Christ.
Know I deeply love you and I am praying you through your healing journey.