I sent this to Avery this morning, to speak life into her and reminding her of the promises and truths of God over her life. She responded with mom, you need to share this because someone else needs to hear this. So here you go. For the person(s) that need to hear this, I am praying you meditate on these words and that God blesses you in profound ABUNDANCE ❤️?
Lamentations 3:22-24 (AMP)
“It is because of the Lord’s loving-kindnesses that we are not consumed, Because His [tender] compassions never fail. They are new every morning; Great and beyond measure is Your faithfulness. “The Lord is my portion and my inheritance,” says my soul; “Therefore I have hope in Him and wait expectantly for Him.””
Praying today you truly rest in His presence as you take a deep breath in knowing He is good, He is faithful and that His mercies are new every morning.
Today stay in tune with His voice. Stay in tune with the gentle whispers He is speaking into your soul. Stay in tune with the nudging within your soul. Stay in tune with His heartbeat and allow yourself to dance the tango with Him. Don’t step ahead of Him, don’t lag behind Him, dance in step with Him, allowing Him to lead you and direct your steps.
Today walk in the freedom and in the victory of His faithfulness. Do not allow the enemy to have any more gains or strongholds over your life.
Remember He promises to never leave you nor forsake you. He promises to uphold you with His righteous right hand. He promises to hem you in from before and behind. He promises that you will not be burned by the fire. He promises you will not be overtaken or drown by the treacherous waters. He promises to be your alpha and your omega, the beginning and the end. He promises to lavish you with an unfailing love. He promises to level the mountains, break down the bars of iron and He promises to make a way. He promises that no weapon formed against you shall prosper. He promises to take what the enemy meant for evil and turn it for good. He promises to turn your mourning into dancing, makes graves into gardens and make beauty from ashes. He promises to repay you, give back the years the locusts stole and He promises a harvest after a long season of drought. He promises life more abundantly through Him. He promises for those who trust in the lord, that they will not grow weary or faint but that that would have an everlasting love and life through Him. He promises to catch every tear and He promises to weep with those who weep and rejoice with those who rejoice. He promises to be our comforter, our healer, our Prince of peace and our miracle worker. He promises to meet us in the valley and to breathe life into our desolate lungs. He promises to cover us with His feathers, to be a safe place of refuge and He promises to to fight our battles for us, we just need to be still. He promises us that He will open the eyes of our hearts, He promises healing, redemption and resurrection. He promises to awaken the dry bones rattling and He promises to use ALL things for His honor, His glory and His good. He promises hope, He promises life, He promises His shalom peace. A peace not of this world, but a peace that He gives you and a peace that He leaves you. He promises to meet you on the ground, He promises to lift you back up and He promises to walk your journey out with you reminding you that you are not alone. He promises the deaf will hear and the blind will see. He promises goodness all the days of your life. He promises Himself to you and although he doesn’t promise an easy, pain free life, He does promise that those who trust in the Lord will soar high on the wings of eagles. He promises His freedom and victory for He has already won the battle.
Today, meditate on these promises, on His truths and His love you. Remember you are set apart, you were not meant to fit in. God blessed you with people that helped you for a season and now He is releasing them as you have grown in abundance. Don’t look back, look at the beautiful unfolding of His creation and look at those right before you. He has dispersed the right angels at the right time to come alongside of you to breathe life back into you. He sent angels to remind you of who you are and to whom you belong as they love on you and call forth the anointings, the giftings, the best version of whom God created you to be.
Remember greater He who is within you than he who is in this world. You have chosen to throw your net in. You have chosen to walk in bold faith and to walk the long and narrow. Not many can fit beside you and that’s ok. God has sent those to walk this journey out with you, just don’t be blinded by the walls you have created that you miss it. Take a step back today and breathe in His faithfulness, His goodness, His grace, love and the new mercies He has gifted you with today. Stand in a posture of surrender, one of being in awe and stand in a posture of Praise and worship. For He is doing a mighty work within you.
Today, embrace the Jesus within you. Embrace where He is leading you and taking you. Embrace that He has not forgotten you, that in His silence He has been equipping you and preparing you. Embrace the good, the bad and the ugly and use it to advance your walk with Him.
Today, take what the enemy has tried to torment you with and use it to advance the kingdom. Use it to bring heaven onto earth. Use it to remind yourself of the burning fire within and use it all to shine brighter than ever before.
You are amazing. You are beautiful. You are loyal, faithful, blessed, His beloved daughter(son) in whom He is well pleased. You are a blessing to all those around you and you are fearfully and wonderfully made. You are strong, you are courageous, you slay giants before you and you step out in faith, in obedience, even when you are scared to do so. You inspire many and your inner beauty, the depths of who you are, your overflowing love radiates the hope and love of Jesus.
Keep being you because you are absolutely, stunningly gorgeous and amazing. Walk out today on BOLD, FIERCE confidence and body slam the enemy out of your life.
You got this because HE has you. Love you beyond. Today, shine, you soar and you breathe in ALL that He is showering upon you today. Do not open your umbrella as a downpouring of His love saturates you. Stand with your arms wide open and allow Him to soak your with His unfailing, unwavering, God breathing love.
Sending you enormous love and hugs
Praying you ALL through
In Jesus name AMEN ❤️??