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Praying today that you read between the lines of your life, the circumstances placed before you and that you seek Gods lead in what whatever steps you take.

Praying that you open the box in which you have placed God within and that stand in a posture to receive whatever He is showering down upon you. Do not be so quick to jump into the next quadrant of your journey. Be still. Allow God to prune out what is stunting your growth within Him and listen the nudge within your soul as you surrender your expectations you have etched out and receive the plans He has already ordained out for your life.

Don’t skip over the lines. Don’t jump over the lines. Don’t try and combine the lines so there aren’t as many “boxes” you need to walk through.

Don’t rush the process. God is speaking. The question is, Are you listening? There is purpose and there are reasons why there are so many pathways within your journey. Through each step you take. Through each line cross, sit still before the presence of God and allow Him to do the exceedingly and abundantly more in your life.

Take off your blinders, peel back your veil, and do not be so hesitant to read between the lines of your life because within those lines, you will find joy. You will find hope. You will find healing. You will find freedom and you will find His unfailing, infinite and unwavering LOVE.

Lean into God today and TRUST the process. The lines within your life may just be the pathway to the greatest adventures of your life in Christ.

Take the risks. Release your expectations. Take time to listen to Gods heartbeat for your life and throw your net into the deep. He has you and will not fail you.

Love y’all and praying you through ❤️??