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For all my prayer warriors, battling and lifting me up, I ask you to please pray for me as we are yet again praying for some health situations. I sent this out last night to some close friends and now coming to all of you..

Can you keep me in your prayers..
Went to OBGYN lots going on there. I am not producing any testosterone so I will need some procedure about every three months to insert pellets to give me some testosterone. This could be huge in how I feel but not sure I am able to do it with all my other health issues. And although the injectable pellets for testosterone are best, it probably puts me at high risk every three months for an anaphylactic reaction. So she is going to call my doctors.

Also did my yearly and my uterus is very inflamed, painful and tilted so I did a sonogram and now I am waiting to hear from the doctors. I may need a biopsy on cervix and Uterus bc there is blood every time I use the potty and she is concerned about that and that it was really painful when she did exam.
It’s days like today where I already feel awful that I feel hopeless of ever getting better.

I know this is just another attack from the enemy as I know God is about to open doors before me that I will be floored by. I know God is about to do something amazing things in my journey and so with that I know the enemy is trying to come and steal, kill and destroy any hope I have. However I have come way to far in life and with my health to stop fighting now. I know what’s going on around me and I know I am fighting in a different realm, with that being said I will NOT ALLOW the enemy to take me down, not on my watch.

However, God is in control and I know he has this. My faith increases, my hope sees the light and in my weakness he continues to be my strength and focus to persevere. God is faithful, he is just and he is purifying to the soul. In him I rest and in him I find an undeniable hope that keeps me focused and fighting. To God be the glory and I will praise his high and holy name whatever may come my way and I pray he continuously shines through me as I walk out another part of my journey..

Love you all