Sometimes we find ourselves in the midst of a storm and we find ourselves doing everything we can to hold on. Sometimes clinging to hope, our faith, to the cross seems unbearable. The waves hit hard and the fear of drowning becomes crippling.
I know we are in crazy times right now and some of us are clinging to the cross with everything and anything we can muster up. I know for me, I am in a season where holding onto the knot at the end of the rope is exhausting. I find my grip isn’t tight at times and I find my hands slowly slipping away as I have grown weary from trying to hold on for so long. I have been in an “uncomfortable” posture of complete surrender as I have realized I have no control and there is NOTHING I can do to change my circumstances. I have realized I cannot fight this battle on my own and I desperately need to God to fight on my behalf.
In the midst of uncertainty, in the midst of questioning so many things, this is what I know is TRUTH. God is sovereign. God is faithful. God goes before us and fights our battles even when we feel He is so distant and far away. God is always working behind the scenes on our behalf, meticulously orchestrating a beautiful miracle out in our lives. He is for us, not against us. He is our strength, our comfort, our rest, our peace and He is our refuge. He loves us with an unbelievable, unwavering love, and He promises to never leave us not forsake us.
I do not know what storms life has handed you. I am not sure how close to the end of your rope you are and if you are barely holding onto. I don’t know if you have lost hope, if your faith is being stretched or if you are questioning the goodness of God. What I want to encourage you with today is this. Know you are not alone. There is so much I do not understand about this journey called life but what I do know is God is good all the time.
Know I am here for you and would LOVE to come alongside of you and pray for you. Lean into Him today. Trust in His goodness. Invite Him into those places you have walled up around your heart and to those places you find that you are barely breathing. He will meet you there and He will shower you with His unfailing love.
Love you all and please let me know how I can be praying for you today.
Romans 8:26, “In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.”