Today I woke up off. Something in my spirit was in a tangled, chaotic mess and the brain fog that was consuming my head left me in a place of desperation as I cried out to God to break the cycle.
Nothing, I mean nothing was giving me relief, so I decided to go to Clearwater beach with Jordyn to just sit and be still in the presence of God.
Y’all, after going into some shops, Jords and I sat on a bench, close to the water and just sat in one another’s presence without any interruptions. We held one another tight, leaned our heads on one another’s shoulders, held deep conversations about life, about friendships, about our faith walk, about Jesus and then we PRAYED. And, I don’t mean surface, bypassing prayers. I mean we spent at least 30-40 minutes before the throne room of grace, interceeding and PRAYING for some hard circumstances we are facing in our lives. We COVERED some special people in our lives who are walking through the fires right now in deep PRAYER and then I spent a good amount of time PRAYING over my precious girl. I spoke life into her. I spoke to the hope within her. I spoke God’s truths over her and I called forth the God anointed gifting, anointing He has imparted into her. I reminded her that all the above wasn’t about herself, but for advancing her walk and the kingdom of God. Tears were shed, chains were broken, the presence of the Holy Spirit consumed us and then we just sat still as we breathed in the purifying air of His faithfulness and goodness. We sat still as we inhaled in all that transpired in our prayer time and how we knew it was a God ordained and appointed time that we both desperately needed to reset. I PRAYED that we would know that at that moment in time, the heavenlies shifted on our behalf as we knew a deeper healing, and a deeper transformation erupted within our souls.
She needed a recharge today, and so did I. She needed the openness of the waters to quench the dehydration her heart was thirsting for. She needed to be held, she needed undivided time with her momma and she needed Jesus to meet her in the depths of her ground so she could stand back up without hesitation, frustration and chaos. She needed this small moment in time to be reminded of God’s promises over her life and she needed to know it was ok take the risk in the next steps He was asking her to embark on. And, to be honest, I needed today as desperately as she did. This, all of this, was an impromptu healing moment that we didn’t know how badly we needed but were so beyond thankful we received.
Today, regardless of what we are facing, we took the focus off of us and began shifting our mindsets, our atmosphere as we began praying for healing, restoration, resurrection and redemption for so many around us. Today we chose to take our mourning and turn it into dancing as we choreographed a new dance to the rhythms of our lives.
We were reminded today that God chose us out of this world to be His disciples, bringing heaven onto earth as we lead people to His anointed and healing love. We were reminded that our gifts were meant for His glory and we should not hold onto them anymore because we are fearful of how they would be received or accepted. Our walk, our journey, it is all for Him and the advancement of the kingdom. Today, although unplanned on our end, was meticulously planned out by God and let me tell you, I could not have asked for a better unplanned, planned day. Our souls are fueled and refreshed and it is all because God knew what we needed, provided a way and met us in a way that we were both able to finally exhale knowing He had us under His wings, protecting us and providing a way. To God be all the glory and praise.
Thankful, humbled and blessed by today’s unfolding. God is good ALL the time ❤️