Good morning beautiful angels
Remember we are each created with a purpose and for a purpose. God breathed life into each of us and when He knit YOU together in your mothers womb, He imparted specific gifts into you that only YOU can fulfill in bringing heaven onto earth and advancing the kingdom of God.
Celebrate your differences as you come alongside one another and build one another up, edifying one another and speaking life into one another. Call forth one another’s anointing, one another’s gifts and help push one another into being the best version of whom God created each of you to be. Do not be jealous, or envious or discouraged. Breathe in who God created YOU to be and own it. If God wanted you to be someone else or have their gifts, He would have given you them. HE created YOU just the way He wanted and needed YOU to be, without any mistakes.
Walk with your eyes fixed on Him as you walk in the authority and resurrected power that dwells deep within your soul. Be proud of YOU because YOU are awesome and the world needs what what only YOU have to offer.
Look in the mirror today and praise God for just how remarkably, fearfully and wonderfully made you are. Know YOUare a force to be reckoned with in the kingdom. Walk today in bold confidence and shine the light of Jesus that already illuminates in and through you.
Remember no weapon formed against you shall prosper. Hold one another up. Pray for one another. Be different. Stand out for Jesus and step out in faith as you take steps in obedience to be closer to Him.
Know I love y’all deeply. Know I am praying for you and know I am here for you always. Sending big love and hugs your way.