Jordyn asked me last night when we got home from dinner if she could write a song about God. I said, of course.. well in about 8 minutes she wrote out these words.
Her heart was singing His praises and was overflowing with JOY. She was not only proud of herself but she knew what she was writing was truth, and a truth she has walked out with HIM.
Jordyn has walked through the valley this year. With the trauma she experienced when I was sick she developed major anxiety and panic attacks, leaving her broken and fragile. It has been a long but fruitful year of loving on her, calming her storms and turning her to Jesus. She holds a cross reminding herself she can do ALL things through Christ, and on April 30th she personally asked Jesus into her heart. She KNOWS who she is and to whom she belongs and she truly walks out being Jesus in the flesh. She has first hand seen and experienced His faithfulness and loving embrace and she glows with a radiant beauty because She LOVES who Jesus is and what He and done in and through her. She loves BIG and you are truly blessed and transformed just by being in her presence.
Yes both of my girls made excellent academic achievements this year. They have grown in tremendous ways but this right here, I will take any given day and over any straight A’s
One proud momma right here and I love this girl BIG
#raisingkingdomkids #blessedbeyondmeasure #shelovesbig #compassionaward #sheknowstowhomshebelongs