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My steps of faith… In and through all things I will praise His holy name. No weapon formed against me shall prosper. When I pass through the waters, he will not let me drown, when I pass through the fire, he will not set me ablaze. He is the Lord God almighty and he is already fighting this battle for me and with me. I will sing His praises through the valley of the shadow of death and I will fear no evil. My God is the God of Israel. The father of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. My God is faithful, knows my burdens and will not give me more than I can handle. For through my trials I gain perseverance and perseverance leads me to freedom. All things are possible with Christ Jesus.

Whatever you may be facing today, know God is walking with you every step of the way. He weeps with those who weep and rejoices with those who rejoice. There is nothing too big nor too small for him. Cast your fears, anxieties, burdens upon him, release control of your situation and allow Him to do his mighty works through you and your situations. He is faithful and he has you covered. Trust that he will lead the way and bring you to a place of redemption and freedom. He loves you so much and only desires the BEST for you. Allow him to be your strength, guidance and wisdom, allow him to be GOD..