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Take time today to not only see the beauty that God has placed in and through you but ask God to take the veil off your eyes to see the beauty God has placed within others.

In fact, take time today to tell someone they are beautiful. That they are fearfully and wonderfully made. That they were created with a purpose and for a purpose. Pray that any mask they might be wearing to cover the hurt or pain they have experienced in their lives gets shattered off their faces because it does not define them. Pray the heavy weight that they have been lugging around, the extra weight that has burdened them, gets stripped off because they have been carrying something that was never meant for them to carry.

Embrace them in a way they feel safe, that they feel loved. Tell them that they are not alone and that you will walk this journey out with them. Remind them that their identity is not in their past, their choices or their pain. That who they are is a child of God, and that their true identity is in Christ and Christ alone.

My prayer for you today is that when you look in the mirror you see the BEAUTY God intentionally placed within you. I pray that you find your people that will call this forth in you because we all know there are days we do not see this beauty no matter how hard we try. Praying that you breathe His truths and promises. And that is, that He will make beauty from ashes. He will turn graves into gardens and He will turn your mourning into dancing.

Trust in Him today. You were created in His image. When you look at yourself in the mirror, that reflection you see, it is a reflection of God. There are NO mistakes in you. He created every aspect of you with great intention. Your beauty, it is the exact reflection of Himself that He wants others to see within YOU. Let’s stop cursing that reflection and let’s begin to bless the beauty set before your eyes.

Ephesians 1:18, “I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which HE has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in the saints, and His incomparably great power for us who believe.”

Praying for you all today ❤️