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Sent this prayer out today but God was pressing it upon my heart to share it on here because someone needed to hear it. 

Praying for you today. Praying that you stand firm, with a confidence and a reassurance of who God has called you to be. That you stand in stillness as the Lord speaks unwavering truths into your soul and that He saturates you with His presence, His Holy Spirit as you wait to hear His soothing, holy and divine, authoritative voice. Praying that with a quick burst of His divine power, doors would open that He has specifically called you to walk through and praying you step out in faith and obedience as you walk through unknown and uncharted territory. 

Praying your faith would be greater than your fears. Praying as He leads you, you would be filled with His shalom peace and that your shield of faith would guard and protect you from the arrows the enemy is aiming at you. Praying for wisdom and discernment as you grab ahold of His hand and gallop down the yellow brick road He has blueprinted out for you. Praying you are elevated and escalated as you make the pivotal turn to lean in and trust In Him, knowing His ways are greater than yours 

Praying for angelic encounters today and praying you would truly embrace that He is with you, standing beside you fighting these battles with you and for you. That even though you might not see Him actively working on your behalf, that you would confidently know He is fighting this battle, this war on your behalf, protecting you from the schemes of the enemy. 

Praying you take heart in knowing He loves you deeply and that you are His beloved son/daughter in whom He is well pleased. 

Praying an overflow of all things Jesus and praying your soul can rest in knowing nothing can separate you from His infinite love. 

Praying a double portion of blessings and praying that you would have clarity from your chaos, that He would profoundly speak to you in what next steps to take and that you would be able to exhale that deep breathe you have been holding onto, the one you have been scared to let out because of the fear of pain, rejection, disappointment, and that as you do, you would feel a peace that surpasses all understanding fall and rest upon you. 

Praying for an increase in faith, praying extraordinary favor and praying that you would be able to be still enough to receive all the blessings He is wanting to pour down upon you. Stand with open arms my precious friend and catch all that He is showering you with. 

Praying an increase of Him today and that you would begin to see Him through a clear and purifying lens. Stand in a posture of expectancy because the BEST is yet to come. Love you BIG and Praying all this In His mighty, anointed and all powerful name 


Love y’all BIG and please, if you need a specific prayer message me or call me, would love to pray with you