There is SO much TRUTH in this. It took me many years of feeling rejected and abandoned until God and I wrestled out this very issue.
We NEVER know the internal battle someone is trekking through. Most people are too scared to let anyone into that sacred place of their heart because either trust has been broken or the hurt they experienced caused them too much pain to even expose the gush of blood that is pouring out of their wounds.
When you can come to a place and realize that how they treated you, how they up and left you, how they never call, message, or involved in your life as much as you desire them to be, a healing takes places deep within YOUR soul and you are able to show them love through the eyes of Christ. It is then that you will see them in a new light, in a new demeanor and it is them that you are also able to show them grace upon grace.
After many long talks and a deep purification process in Avery’s own life, last Saturday, Avery interrupted our conversations and said this, “Mom, I cannot thank you enough for stepping out in obedience to whatever God asks you to do and I want to thank you for allowing me to now see people through the eyes of Jesus!”
Y’all I had chills and TEARS. She understood what it meant to see past the walls, the masks, the hurt and pain in order to see the heartbeat of God in everyone, and I pray you all can grasp it as well.
When we can see past the rough, the hardness, the walls, , the masks, the emotions or the shell of the emotionless, we can see a hurting soul that has walled up any feelings because they DO NOT want to experience the excruciating pain they live with daily. So in order to protect themselves, they wall up and pull away from anything important or love most because the pain that loved ones have caused them is unbearable.
Today I encourage you to look past the pain. Look past someone else’s behavior and look at them through the eyes of Christ. It is then you will be able to be compassionate and empathetic and it is then that you will be able to show them the overflowing, supernatural, healing GRACE of God.
God is faithful. God is GOOD. God heals. He redeems. He brings dry bones to life and He loves YOU deeply.
Praying you ALL through today and YOU show grace and love to those around you.
If you need prayer, message me. I would LOVE to pray with you and intercede on your behalf. Love y’all BIG ❤️