For THIS is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it.
I know there are days we can all have the feels of doubt, weariness, fear and anxiety. I know there are days the enemy tries every and all tactics to slither his way into our lives causing us to go into a negative downward spiral of pity party galore and we more often then not cannot find even that muster seed of faith to find any hope or joy in our circumstances. I know there are days waves of grief from past hurts, trauma, or the loss of loved ones can consume us and the explosive tsunami impact that erupts within our souls causes uncontrollable havoc, chaos and complete destruction. I know there are days where we cannot necessarily breathe in Gods new mercies for that day and I know there are days we cannot break from the chains of lies that have entangled us.
There are days one may feel they are battling an internal amusement park as the roller coasters of their emotions, of their lives have taken them to a place of terror, as the highs and lows of their circumstances leave a gut wrenching pit at the core of their being.
I know there are days, in fact seasons where you may feel God has abandoned you, leaving you on the side of the road, begging for food, for water, anything to nourish your malnutritioned soul. I know there are days loneliness has become a norm and I know there are days you are on bended knees, begging, even pleading with God to break the haze of fog that seems to be overtaking your brain. Clarity, discernment, and wisdom have found a way to be non existent and to be touched, even loved feels like it has been power washed away.
If you are in this place, a place of the unknown, a place of being untethered. If you are in a place where you feel you have lost control over all things in your life and you feel as though even the slightest gust of wind will cause you to sink, I want to encourage you with this. Our God is a sovereign God. He is a God of peace, of restoration, of healing, and of faith. He is a God who makes ALL things new. He is a God that not only faced betrayal, rejection, abandonment, temptation and grief but He is a God that WEPT. Jesus felt the hurts, He felt the pains, He felt the trauma and He felt the heartache of all those around Him. His love for you is so deep, that He covers you with His feathers to keep you safe. He nestles you under His wings so He can protect you and He is your place of refuge so you can run to Him, unmasked, and regardless of what you are facing so He can comfort you and bring you to a place of resurrected freedom.
The scripture of this is the day the Lord has made, rejoice and be glad in it. It doesn’t mean to be happy. It does not mean to be fake, and it does not mean to hide behind the masks of defeat. It means that God is your strength and your ever present hope in times of troubles. It means that He is walking beside you lifting you up with His righteous right hand and He is carrying your burdens. It means it is ok to not be ok because when you are not ok, you lean into Him for supernatural strength, knowing He will sustain you as He sends out His army of angels to cover you as He hems you into His presence.
Today, even if you are in the midst of the toughest battle of your life, I want to speak life into you as you breathe in the healing blood of Jesus. I want to speak love into you reminding you that you are not alone and that you have been created with a purpose and for a purpose. I want to speak hope into you as I know the days can be so dark and desolate, but I want to tell you get down on your knees and barrel crawl over the that dim light that is shining at the end of that long darkened tunnel. Touch the hem of the garment of someone you know is walking with God and be still in their presence as they position you before the healing hand of God.
Today, rejoice because God loves you way too much to leave you where you are. He is waiting for you with His arms wide open and cannot wait to embrace you as He showers you with His lavishing love. Today, step out in faith and throw your net into the depths of the water knowing God sees you and has heard the desperation in your hearts cries. Today, rejoice and be glad in His new mercies because this day, it is going to an episodic day of healing transformation that will change the trajectory and course of the road you have been traveling.
Love you all and always praying you through