Matthew 19:26, “ Jesus looked at them intently and said, “Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But with God everything is possible.”(NLT)
I am not sure what is holding you back. Whether it is fear, anxiety, disappointment, or rejection, I want to remind you that whatever it is know that the word impossible is a human opinion.
God speaks inexplicable truth in the Scriptures saying that with Him, all things are possible. Meaning, when we surrender. When we trust in His truths and His promises, when we allow Him to lead and direct our steps, releasing our will to His, we will see the magnificence of His miracles unfold.
Remember it is NOT my will be done, but THY WILL BE DONE.
Whatever you are facing. Whatever you are walking through. Whatever has you locked up in chains, weighing your down, be intentional and HOLD your thoughts captive. Be mindful and change your atmosphere. When the word impossible creeps into your thought process, rebuke it and stand firm on the truths in which God promises in Matthew 19:26.
Remember you are NOT alone. Cling to the cross. Fall on your knees in surrender and prayer. Position yourself in a posture to receive His downpour of shalom peace, strength and truth. Welcome in those whom you know are showing up, fighting this battle with you and for you. Those who and are warring in the heavenly realms and interceding on your behalf. Allow His peace to still the chaos raging within. And then let go and let God.
Allow Him to do what only He can do. So when impossible comes knocking at your door, you can slam it shut and speak, “NOT today Satan.” Boldly proclaim from the mountaintops that you serve a God of the exceedingly and abundantly more. That you serve a GOD that has created you with a purpose and for a purpose. That you have been chosen, set apart, and have an orchestrated calling on your life. Rebuke the enemy as he no grounds to come at you trying to kill, steal or destroy the plans God has promised over your life. You serve a God that makes the impossible, possible. So today, I stand on His truths, His promises, and His sacrificial love as HE moves mountains.
Praying you all through this day and remember impossible, well that is just an opinion. It is not your identity and it is not Gods truth.
Love y’all BIG