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The last few weeks my family has been walking some hard roads. We are being attacked on all different sides, at all angels. The last week has been especially difficult. I have been praying that God would restrain my tongue and help me walk in a way that I do not step out of Christlike manner. But to be honest, there have been moments in time this has been tested and I may or may not have fallen off scripture. Keeping it real 🤷🏻‍♀️

Last night as I was processing some stuff out with Avery (my oldest daughter) God led me to Jeremiah 17:7-8. We read it , dissected it and camped out on that verse for awhile.

Today as I spent the morning in fervent prayer about my attitude, the Lord impressed the same verse upon my heart and I have spent most of the day with my bible open, meditating on these verses and all of Jeremiah 17..

I am writing all this to say, if you are walking through some hard, if the journey you are trekking through is hitting some crazy turbulence and even if you are finding yourself banged up from falling into some deep ditches, I encourage you to take a posture of surrender, asking God to search your heart and while she is pruning some unwanted branches off you, praise Him through the process. It might not be an easy process but trust me when I say that the victorious freedom that comes from shattering the bruising handcuffs that have been holding you prisoner, well it is just downright glorious.

I absolutely love how Jeremiah 17 states that when we are rooted in Him, when we are grounded in His truths and His promises, we will be like a tree planted by streams of water that sends out its roots by the stream.

Y’all this is a promise from God that when we position ourselves by His living water, our roots will be so deep within Him that when trials, tribulations, the storms of life come at us and try and tear us down, that we will NOT be overtaken. Our leaves, our lives will NOT die, in fact, they will remain green because our faith, our trust, our hope is rooted in Christ Jesus.

This leaves me in reverence awe. To know I do not have to worry, have anxiety or fear being dehydrated from my life circumstances. BUT to KNOW that I can trust in the Lord to continuously pour His living water into the crevices of my soul. To know He will bear fruit within me, even when I cannot even see the seed of new life blossoming forth, I cannot help but praise His name from the mountaintops as I KNOW He is good, He is faithful and He uses ALL things for the glory and good of His kingdom.

I am not sure what you are all walking through right now but I want to encourage you with this. We serve a good and faithful God. We serve a God that has given us a roadmap, a guide of faithful promises to help us navigate this journey called life. We serve a God who goes before us. A God who hems us in from behind and before and we serve a God that levels mountains, paves the way and directs our steps. We serve a God that makes the impossible, possible. A God who turns water into wine, takes what is shattered and remolds us as a potter molds it’s clay. We serve a God who knows each of us by name and a God that created a magnificent masterpiece within your soul. We serve a God that promises to never leave us nor forsake us and we serve a mighty God that promises to cover us with His feathers so we can take refuge under His wings. He is our hiding place. He is our comforter. He is our redeemer and He is our Great I Am!

If you are being faced with little or excessive hard, I urge you to surrender it all to the foot of the cross and allow Him to unfold miraculous beautiful before your eyes. Allow Him to take what the enemy meant for evil and turn it for good. Take a step back. Breathe in His anointed, healing and purifying air and allow Him to begin, or maybe even continue the good work He has begun.

“And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ. (Philippians 1:6)”

We are in this together friends. Love you and praying US through

In Jesus anointed, all powerful and mighty name AMEN