Last night I had some much needed alone time with Jordyn. After we had an in-depth discussion, I began praying, asking God to open the heavens. I prayed He would pour down His grace and mercy upon us. That His presence would be so overwhelming and that we would know the next steps to take in our calling. I prayed we would have clear minds, direction and that we would walk in obedience wherever He would take us, surrendering all of us to all of HIM.
After I prayed, there was a shift in my atmosphere. Everything in me began doing soul dancing Jesus praises as I was overtaken by His presence and peace. Jordyn immediately shouted mom, mom, the heavens are opening mom, look. Pslam 19:1, 1 “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.”
Y’all I am not lying, I looked up and this breathtaking masterpiece was before our eyes. I was in star struck, jaw dropping awe, and by the look on Jordyn’s face, she was as well. Tears began to stream down my face as I watched Jordyn’s eyes glistening in amazement. She listen to my specific prayers and she witnessed Gods immediate response. I cannot begin to tell you how this built her faith. To see your child being elevated right before your eyes, all I can say is God is so good.
Jordyn and I are continuously mesmerized by the handiwork of God’s extraordinary creation. There is something about what He has intrinsically created that speaks profound truths into our souls. Our eyes are captivated by what He places before us and our peripheral vision is always on watch as we never want to miss a divine piece of His supernatural artwork.
As I went through these photographs last night, praising and thanking God for blessing Jordyn and I with such a beautiful picture of His kingdom, I felt this unsettling nudge in my soul. God pressed it upon my heart to share them because these pictures, His glory displayed before our eyes is going to speak transforming truths into someone’s life. If that is you, these are for YOU.
I know so many people say this but listen, it is the truth. You are not alone. No matter what the enemy is trying to whisper in your ears, KNOW you have an army of His angles surrounding you, going before you and paving a way. You are loved, you are treasured and you are His beloved. Rest in Him and rest in His word.
I get it, there are days we feel burnt out from life. There are times the gloominess of the sun not shinning for days has us in an isolated pit of loneliness. And, there are days we look out at the mountains set before us and think, “How are we ever going to get on the other side of these?” Let me encourage you with this. God is faithful and His mercies are new every morning. Lamentations 3:22-23 says, ”Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”
Allow God to meet you today. Allow Him to resurrect what has been lost and allow Him redeem that isolated piece of your life you were getting ready to bury. Ask Him to speak to you today in profound and transforming ways. Surrender anything you are holding onto as a security blanket, trusting He will guide your steps and direct your path. God knows all things. He knows we are going to be faced with hard situations in life that leave us face planted on the ground, searching and seeking divine answers. He knows there are going to be days when we feel as though we are chained down in the midst of a fiery furnace and He knows there will be days we will be standing on the shorelines as a tsunami is about to come crashing down. But, He promises in Isaiah 43:2, “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.”
He has you precious friend. You will not be overtaken. He promises never to leave us nor forsake us. I know the terrain you are walking on may feel shaky and unstable but if God can part the Red Sea, He can surly bring your feet to stable ground. Trust Him. Trust His timing and trust that you are His precious child in whom He delights in and is well pleased.
You are deeply loved and I am covering you in prayer today as you take the next steps in HIM. Always here to talk deeper with you and to pray with you, just send me a message ❤️