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His grace is my strength, His grace carries me through, His grace is SUFFICIENT.

I can not begin to explain to you how difficult the past few days have been on me and my family. The disease I have has been flared up and I have had non stop BAD attacks from it.

I have had body tremors, facial spasms/ dystonia, slurred speech and certain parts of my body continuously freeze up. It has brought back a ton of scary memories for us as a family and we are all in survivor mode right now. 

I won’t lie, I am scared, mostly because when I experience a BAD attack it HURTS. However I have an overwhelming peace in this because I know this is NOT from God and I know HE has this and is carrying me through 😇

My faith in God is bigger than my fear. He has me, He has this and He is carrying me through. My hope and my joy is in HiM and I will not be shaken, for His grace is sufficient.❤️ He is my strength as I am WEAK. He is my fortress, my foundation and the solid rock on which I stand. 

I am not sure what is going on in your lives right now. Some may be on cloud 9 while others are trying to find dry land so they can finally breath without the storms of life crashing down upon them. I know for me, I am seeking dry land right now. I am seeking His face, His discernment and His healing. 

I don’t know all the answers as to why, in fact I didn’t even ask why. As I lay in my bed praying, I cannot help but praise HIM for the work He is doing in and through me. I am In rough waters right now, as I know many of you are as well, and I am desperately seeking to land my feet within the grains of the dry sand. I KNOW God is doing a great work within me and I am trying to be still enough that I can absorb all of Him in. God is good all the time, even when we don’t feel HIM near. He is sovereign, He is our strength and His grace is sufficient. 

Rest in HIM tonight. Allow HIM to whisper His sweet lullabies into your heart and allow Him to grab ahold of your hand and carry you through. He will sustain you, He will be your guiding light and He will catch you when you feel you are about to fall. 

He is our healer, our counselor, our great physician, and the almighty GREAT I AM. Scripture says, “Come me all who are weary and heavy burdened and I will give YOU rest” ( Matt: 11:28).

Run to HIM and allow Him to restore YOU, redeem YOU and allow Him to purify you with His anointed blood. He has you precious one, let go and let GOD 😇🙌🙏😘