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Matthew 9:20, “Just then a woman who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years came up behind him and touched the edge of his cloak.”

This picture and verse have been on my heart ALL day. I knew God was using it to speak to me but I didn’t understand to what magnitude. There were quite, still moments today where I truly felt I was hearing from the Lord and when I would get ready to write, my brain would go numb. The revelations I thought were being downloaded from God, all of the sudden disappeared and NOTHING would flow. As the frustration began to build up, I honestly thought God and I were out of alignment for the day. It wasn’t until this evening when I was faced with a major flare up with my health, that I realize just why God was pressing me with this verse all day. 

You see, It was in the flare up, when I was shattered with discouragement, that I was beginning to loose hope in the healing I have been so patiently awaiting. It was when John wrapped His arms around me that my soul began to quiver. As my eyes filled up with countless tears as I cried and cried my heart out,  I realized God lead me to Matthew 9:20 to prepare me for such a time as this.

The explosive revelation came when I was hit with the affliction. Although I have not been “bleeding “ for 12 years, In the midst of my face being paralyzed in distorted ways, I found myself feeling internally crippled, questioning if my healing would ever come. 

I realized in those weak and vulnerable moments that the enemy was strategically trying to creep his way into my head. I realized he was trying to kill, steal and destroy what I have been fighting so hard for and I realized he was throwing arrows of doubt at me so I would question the healing that was mine and the victory that was already won on the cross for ME. 

I don’t know what you are trying to break free from today. I don’t know if you are barely keeping your head afloat or if you are in a place of complacency.  If some of you are suffocating as you feel you are being held hostage to the unfortunate circumstances in your life or if some of you are in an exciting place in your journey. I don’t know if you are paddling through treacherous waters or if you are on a jet ski, conquering all the hard waves that seem to be coming your way. Wherever you are I want you to cling to this. God promises in His word that He will never leave us nor forsake us. He says that if He is for us who can be against us? He promises to tuck us under His wings and keep us safe. He promises to go before us, to be our strength when we are weak and He promises to hold our hand and walk through the hills and valleys with us. What man says is impossible, God says is possible. God is the way, the truth and the light. God is hope, He is faithful and He is in the business of performing miracles. Allow Him to do a mighty work in you. Allow Him to purify out anything that is keeping you isolated from Him and allow Him to transform your life and set you free. 

As for me, I no longer want to be a slave to fear. I no longer want to be chained up to the  situations and circumstances in my life, that in reality I have no control over anyways. I choose HIM. I choose to follow His lead and I choose to get down on my knees and push through the crowds just so I can be in His presence, touch the hem of His cloak and find healing through HIM. Be still and know … 

Praying you all through 😇🙌🙏