These words are extremely thought provoking for me. What an awesome reminder that your past doesn’t define you and it is not your identity. Your past doesn’t equal your present and it for sure does not equal your future. God resurrects, redeems and uses ALL things for the good and glory of His kingdom. When God has called you, when He has set you apart, there is NOTHING the enemy can do to keep you from what He has anointed you to do. Greater He who is in me then he who is in the world.
I don’t know about you, but there have been times I lost sight of just how powerful the anointed hand of God is. Not that I doubted God or what He was capable of doing, I just got so consumed with my past that I never believed He could use a dirty, damaged girl like me. As I walked in a posture of embarrassment, shame, and guilt, I lived in fear of being judged and criticized for some of my choices. I often forgot that even though I may have felt “unqualified,” to ever be healed or truly loved that I am QUALIFIED in and through Christ and that is enough.
Don’t forget who you are in the eyes of God. When the world seems to come against you, remind them your identity is in Christ and Christ alone. When people throw stones of shame, guilt and unworthiness your way, remind them that the scriptures say, “Those who have not sinned, cast the first stone.” When people seem to be watching you, intentionally trying to cause chaos in your life, remind yourself to of God’s truths as you stand firm in your identity, on your foundation for Christ.
Never underestimate the almighty, all powerful, anointed hand of God. He is in the business of performing miracles and you my friends are just that. A miracle in Him.
Don’t look back and feel sorry for yourself, and don’t judge someone based on the chapter of their lives you walked in on. Their story, as yours, is far from over. So let’s sit back and enjoy the journey as we allow God to take the pen out of our own hands as He scripts out the rest of our books.
When we fully surrender and allow Jesus to take the wheel, trusting Him to be the author and perfect of our faith, we need to also trust that the story He is writing for our lives is breathtakingly amazing. Remember, there is an anointing that births forth from pain. The hardships, the rejection, the battle wounds, the pruning and the purification process, they are stripping you of the old, and clothing you with the new so you lack nothing in Christ.
Remind yourself today that there is nothing you could ever do that will separate you from God’s great love. Rest in God’s promises. Rest in His truths and allow Him to saturate you with His lavishing love as you fall deep into His embrace.