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The past few days I have been so overwhelmed and feeling very weary. After hours of feeling a lump in my throat and feeling helpless, I called on my prayer partners to lift me up in prayer. They immediately responded, embraced me where I was at, loved on me and reminded me of foundational truths.

After a long day, I went to bed in prayer, awful body pain and laying still before my loving ever so embracing Abba Father. This morning I was struck again with an emotional wave of sadness but an undeniable hope. As I drove to my doctors appointment this morning which was about 40 minutes away, I was tempted to pick up my phone and catch up on some calls but instead the little voice inside said, come before me and worship me. Oh how I am blessed that I did. I turned the volume up high and my soul was still enough before him that I welted up in tears as I sang and praised HIS Holy name.

Wow, I cannot begin to tell you how worship music ignites my soul. How it leaves me empty, vulnerable and transparent before the Lord and how it totally captures the inner essence of me coming before him, face down in the throne room.

I had not a care in the world this morning because He showed up, he meet me and HE resurrected that shattered piece inside of me that was weary of what the future may hold. For the tears I have shed, the ashes that  had fallen off me, and for the parts of me that had lost meaning had a new found hope and faith in him. He reminded me that through HIS stripes I have been healed, that he will never leave me nor forsake me and if I hand over the control to him, being still enough before him to hear his voice and allow him to lead the way, I will fully embrace the redemption, resurrection and freedom he has for me.

With all the business that is around us, especially now with the holidays approaching, take time to be still enough before him so that you can be on your knees, face down before him and fully receive all he has for you. He will speak into your soul and he will redeem your life. He knows so many of you are so broken-hearted, weary and have lost some of your hope and faith that used to carry you through. Nothing is too big or too small for him. Lean into him, seek counsel and be open enough to be naked before him so you can be transformed from the inside out.

He loves you so passionately and deeply and he desires the very best for your life. The holiday season isn’t about gifts and material things. It’s about him, the miracles he performs, what his life and ministry has done for each of us and it’s about faith, hope and love. Allow him to rebuild all those areas in your life and allow him to set you free. He weeps with you, rejoices with you and he makes all things new. Nothing, I mean nothing is impossible through Christ Jesus. When you hear that knock on the door, open it and invite him in. Allow him to sit next to you, talk to him and allow him to do a mighty work in your life. Your slanted  eyes will become wide open and your shattered heart will begin to piece back together. As you see him work you will want more and he will give you more. Allow him to redeem, resurrect and set you free. It’s an amazing encounter and it’s amazing to see the miracles he performs.

Love you all deeply. Blessings my dear friends