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imageFor the past few days, in the craziness of running around I have continued to say I need to write but honestly there has been so much going on I have not been still enough before the Lord to truly hear what he wants me to share. I have been praying for an ah ha moment, when I would get a download from God and my writing would flow from him into words. As I had a moment to sit down, relax and breathe tonight I logged onto Instagram and the first photo I saw was once again from my beautifully gifted and anointed friend Trudy, as she is out exploring Gods beautiful creation, and boom the download came.

I looked at this picture and it just stopped me in my tracks, drawing my soul deeper and deeper into his presence. This picture captured me and God spoke. “I will spring forth living water, running through all your wounds, brokenness, dips and bruises. I will heal you with the purity of this water and you will find peace and freedom in knowing I will continuously flow through you springing forth new life. There may be times where you may feel I am veering to the right or to the left, feeling I am distant or you can’t sence my presence. Days that are so bumpy and rocky that the dips and crevasses are so deep you think to yourself how can anyone or anything meet me in this dark desolate place and how will the sting that burns so deeply ever find relief? Days that you feel so alone, as if no one is looking to their right or to their left, not realizing you are on a fast decline down the slippery slope of rocks, not knowing if you will survive the crash. Days of pity, days of isolation and days of not wanting to walk out another dreadfully painful day but I am here to tell you this. As the picture so illustrates, no matter how slick, how bumpy or how painful the drop may be, I will always be with you, running my living water through every morsel of your being. I may sometimes come shooting down the valley in one vast stream, feeling and knowing my presence is with you and there may be times I change the course, veering into other directions but remember and hold onto this. I will always flow in and through you no matter what you are walking through. In the deepest, darkest ditch you encounter, no matter how deep your head is buried try to lift your head up just enough to see how I am all around you. My vibrant green grass will grow in places you thought could not produce life any longer and I will show you what you once hid to protect yourself will spring forth life, hope, freedom and victory once you allow my fresh, purifying, living water to truly run through your bloodstream. I will always turn your mourning into dancing and I will always seal the wounds you have encountered with my blood, redeeming all things for my glory.”

This picture depicts all for which I am thankful for this Thanksgiving. It speaks so deeply into who God is, his truths and his promises. He has met me in my deepest, darkest, coldest most desolate areas in my life. Places that I hid so deep within that I was scared to release because I was scared to relive the pain thinking it would destroy my soul, put me in a place hopelessness and ultimate death. I was scared to allow him in, in fear of rejection and abandonment but the reality is once I surrendered my control and allowed his living water to run through my veins, purifying out all that was killing me and refreshing me with all that brought me life, my heart skipped a beat, I was recessitated and was able to stand tall knowing I was healed, I was free and I was more alive than I ever thought possible. For that I owe him all the praise and glory and I will forever glorify his name.

I don’t know where you are in your journey. If you are bitter, full of shame, guilt, have unforgiveness in your heart or if you cannot find anything to be thankful for take a step back, take a deep breath and breathe in this chilling truth. God loves you so deeply and passionately that he wants to meet you in the places of your wounds, pain and brokenness and he wants to purify your bloodline, cleansing out all that has poisoned your life, filling you back up with his forgiven, unconditional, sacrificial blood.  He wants to flow down your valley and see all the rubble that has kept the current from moving pushed out so he take up residence within you and show you how big, deep and wide he can flow.

For once I was lost but now I am found, I was blind but now I can see. The chains have been broken, I have been set free and the river in which he paved out within me runs deep and wide. He is truth, he is hope, he is the light and he is life. Trust him, seek him and you will find ultimate freedom and thankfulness.

Happy happy Thanksgivjng ❤️❤️