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We need to protect ourselves from the arrows of the world that are trying to break down our faith. There are active forces, spirits that are trying to dismantle your faith. “Pastor Ron Cooney”

Truth upon truth. This is confirmation to stand your post stronger and with fierce courage. We are not fighting flesh and blood. We are fighting dark powers and principalities in the spiritual realm. The enemy wants to tear down and dismantle your faith. He wants you to feel rejected, abandoned, unseen and alone. He wants you to give up and throw in your towel of faith.

We need to band together. Fight alongside another and for one another. God brings hope, light, life and an indescribable love. We need to cling to that. We need to cling to His truths and His promises. Being aware of the battle is just the beginning of the fight. We need to stand on the forefronts of the battlefield, armored up and ready to fight with grit, with strength and with perseverance.

The roads are hard, the testing can be brutal, gut wrenching at times but the redemptive freedom of Jesus brings solace to your soul and peace to the tsunami chaos that can rage deep within.

Let’s be intentional of who we invite in so the ripping apart, the tearing down, and belittling of our character is not an option. We are called for the greater. We are called for the more. We are called to be different as we are chosen and set apart. Not many will get us. Not many will understand us. Not many will come alongside of us but the masses will come to know Him through us for they heard God is within us. That is what keeps me running with perseverance with my eyes fixed on Him because these are the promises He proclaims over our lives and this is the hope, the peace not found in this world.

As for me and my house, I know there will be no more trespassing on my property because I know this.. People can try and discredit me. They can try to demolish my character, my faith and they can try to make me feel as though I am not good enough, or worthy enough for His love, His grace and His forgiveness. But this is what I know is truth. I know whom I am and to whom I belong. No weapon formed against me shall prosper and I was created with a purpose and for a purpose. I am not willing to position myself in an area where my faith can be dismantled but what I am willing to do is stand my post, be stretched in my faith, shed off my own grave clothes, take up my cross and walk in bold faith as God does and continues to do a great with within me. “Being confident of this, He who began a great work within me will finish it until the day of Christ Jesus”

I am not sure what grenades have been set off on your property but I will tell you this. Do not allow the enemy to gain any footholds or strongholds in your life. This is your time to reclaim the land the enemy has tried so hard to steal, kill, destroy and dismantle. This is your time to be fighting harder, fighting stronger, and fighting for the exceedingly and abundantly more.

So people can talk about me, about you, about us all they want behind our backs, but remember they are behind us for a reason.

Know you are amazing. Know you are loved and know you are being COVERED in prayer. To Christ be all the glory.

Love you all