Jordyn asked to draw last night. It was late but I sensed the eagerness in her voice and i didn’t want to diminish it since it has been a LONG time since she has tapped into her God anointed gift and done anything art.
At 12:45am I got a text from Jordyn with the picture she sketched and it said this, “This picture, it is a picture of me and Jesus.”
This, this is what she drew after over a year sabbatical. I want to thank a precious friend for planting a seed weeks ago at her daughters party. God used her, her words, her voice to start a greater work within Jorydn.
Her words marked Jordyn and began a shedding of grave clothes she has been wearing. Her words were pivotal in breaking the chains of lies Jorydn has been shackled up in and that she has been believing about herself.
Her words began the unfolding of the truths, of the promises over Jordyn’s life and her words impacted Jordyn so deeply she knew she could no longer run or hide from what God has called her and ordained her to walk in. Her words were confirmation to the ongoing truths we have been speaking into her life. Although we have been watering Jordyn’s seeds daily, her words were the rich fertilization the seeds in Jordyn’s soul needed to in order for Jordyn to fully bloom, to fully blossom where she was planted.
The stirring of her words brought Jordyn to a place of redemption, of peace, of freedom. We are forever thankful and forever grateful for this precious friend seeing the gifts within Jorydn and for calling them forth.
I cannot thank this precious friend enough for being obedient to the voice of God and speaking Holy Spirit love and truth into Jordyn’s soul.
I am not sure what you might be walking through, or what you might be in a wrestle with. I am not sure how heavy the attacks from the enemy have been in wanting to steal, kill and destroy the vision , the dreams, the God anointed desires of your heart have been. I am not sure the lies you have believed and I am not sure how long your sabbatical has been but what I do know is this. God, God is love. He is for you, not against you. It is time to reclaim the grounds in which the enemy has tired so diligently to demolish in your life and it is time to silence the noises of the world so you can cleary hear the gentle whispers God is speaking into your soul. It is time to reap the harvest. It is time to silence the lies and it is time to start walking boldly in the truths of who you are and who you were created to be. It is time to lament what was lost, grieve what was stolen and it is time to stand in a posture of surrendered faith, allowing God to lead you besides quite waters so He can restore your soul and bring you to an inequvitable freedom.
The enemy used a young man a year and a half ago to silence the gifting He imparted into Jordyn. She has been in an internal prison of self doubt, unworthiness, not feeling good enough and questioning her calling, her gifts, her abilities due to one persons inability to show gratitude for the extensive work Jordyn did for him ever since.
God hears the cries of our hearts. He meets us where we are and He sends His army of angels to come alongside of us to love on us and remind us of the plans He has ordained over our lives. Do not dismiss the “random” people or conversions God places along your path. Do not disregard the gentle whispers God is speaking into your soul and who He is using to speak those words you have been desperately praying for, pleading to hear. God answers our prayers in different ways than we might want or expect. Do not be so set on your ways that you miss HIS. The unfolding of your story is far from over. Do not miss a the writing of a critical chapter because you were so consumed with your Will and not His Will for your life.
To God be all the glory and praise.
Colossians 3:23 “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters,”