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This picture was sent to me years ago by my precious friend Vicky Kepler Didato and it’s a picture that is continuously reminds me how we truly need to worship and praise God in and through all things. 

This picture also played a huge part in God revealing the name “WRECKED TO REDEEMED MINISTRIES” to me. It’s a picture of our brokenness, of surrender and how Jesus carries the cross on our behalf. It’s a picture that doesn’t depict a perfect life where we have it all together but one when we are faced with hardships and adversities, we fall on our knees before Him, in desperation seeking His face to guide and carry us through. 

It’s a picture of how God meets us wherever we are, speaks love and truth into our desolate souls and brings us from a posture of shame, guilt, unworthiness, rejection, and abandonment, to a posture where our eyes are focused on Him and our arms are open wide in praise and worship to receive all He is pouring down upon us. 

I don’t know where you are at today. If life has handed you too much to bare and the darkness you are living in seems overbearing, I want to encourage you with this. God is waiting for YOU. He is carrying the cross on your behalf and He WILL restore, redeem and resurrect what the enemy has tried to steal from you. 

Fall on your knees, surrender your life and your situation over to Him and allow Him to piece your broken heart back together. Nothing is impossible through Christ Jesus and He tells us in Scripture that we can do  ALL things through Christ that gives us strength. He has YOU and will hold your hand and walk you through every heartbreaking detail of your life. There will be hard days as you journey through your healing but I promise you this, through Him you WILL experience purifying, blissful FREEDOM.

We have all been wrecked on some level but with Him, His resurrecting love and anointed healing hands we ARE redeemed. 

Take that leap of faith today and surrender your life over to Him. Take all that you have been carrying on your shoulders and surrender it to the foot of the cross. Allow Him to carry it and allow Him to begin a great work in you. 

Praying you through this day and I am committed to walking this journey out with each and every one of YOU. God is good, He is faithful and He is LOVE

Romans 8:28 “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[a] have been called according to his purpose.”