This.. He will send you what is promised BUT STAY where you are UNTIL you have been clothed with power from on high
He is preparing you and you are baring witness to who HE is. Now, HE has you in the waiting as you are being clothed in and through HiS power.. then you will be sent out to all the nations to proclaim of His goodness and they will Listen because the light, the power in which HE has clothed you in will illuminate His love and truths
Stand on these promises. Stand on these truths
We so often stand in a posture of impatience because we “see” or “know” what is to come. We want to be launched out to do the great things we know we are being called to do but then there is this waiting period. Minutes feel like hours. Hours feel like days. Days feel like weeks. Weeks feel like months and months feel like years. We know our timing is not Gods timing but we still wait in frustration and in the “When is my time Lord?”
What we fail or even should I even say we are too blinded to see is that in this waiting period, not only is God pruning us to be the finest looking tree in His garden, but in the stripping of the grave clothes, He In fact has not forgotten about us, BUT HE is clothing us in HIS love. In HIS strength and in His power.
Meditate on that. He is clothing us in power of the Most High. Y’all, knowing this. Inhaling this truth in. Grasping onto this promise and proclaiming it over my life, y’all I will wait in the waiting room UNTIL I know with clear discernment and peace that I am fully equipped in and through HIM to go out and run into my calling.
It’s not a punishment to be in the waiting. It is actually a blessing, an honor, a gift given by Him to His chosen so He knows not only will you get and receive the promises He has proclaimed over your life, but that you would be fully clothed, meaning every aspect of your body being covered in His finest, in His love and in HIs power. This gives me deep soul chills.
Breathe in these promises. Proclaim them over your life and be still enough to receive ALL He is bestowing down upon you. Stop complaining about your waiting room. Stop being frustrated with how long things have taken and stop holding a grudge, bitterness or unforgiveness for the opportunities you believed should have come to you by now. The waiting, it is God holding you back not for anything other than this. He desires the best for you and He is going to equip you and prepare you in every which way He can so that when you are asked to GO, you will go with a bold and fierce confidence in knowing He whom has sent you has prepared you and clothed you with power, with might, with excellence to conqueror all that is set before you. And, as you are slaying it, you will bear witness to His greatness, His goodness and His faithfulness. For these things, they will give you a platform. They will give you validity and They will give you a testimony to share. As you share His story through your life, those around you will respond to the message of the Gospel because they have come to trust you, which then testifies to them trusting the Jesus in you.
Trust the journey. Trust the process and trust the waiting room. You are not there on accident but for a divine appointment, a divine purpose and for such a time as this.
Love you and praying you through ❤️