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Today we celebrate the birth of Jesus. The one who was brought into this world so that we may be set free, have eternal life and the one who forgives us of our sin, redeems, resurrects and and embraces us with an unfathomable love. The one who meets us on our level to speak truth and love into our lives, weeps and rejoices with us and the one who is our Counselor, healer, physician, and the GREAT I AM.  Jesus’ life brings forth new life to our souls, heals us from our brokenness and allows us to become a new creation in and through him. Christmas is about this, about his life, about the life we have through him and about rejoicing that we have a Savior that loves us so incredibly much that he sacrificed HIS life and became selfless so that we ALL could somewhat grasp the undeniable, unfailing love God has for each and every one of us.

As I awoke this morning with anticipation for my children to come downstairs, eyes wide open with their bright eyes filled with excitement as they looked under the tree to see all the presents Santa had left for them, I couldn’t help but tap into the part of my heart that was in deep sorrow for all of my dear friends that might not experience ALL the joy that comes with today. So many dear, close friends have experienced painful deep losses, unfathomable pain and as most of us rejoice in the birth of our Lord, many are finding it hard to even put a smile on their faces because as their families gather, they feel a deep hollow void in their lives.

My heart is so heavy and so saddened for the people in my life that are experiencing deep emotional pain today. Pain that can not be fixed, that can’t go away and pain that is so deep within that it might be hard for them to fully breath and to take in what today signifies as they battle how to rejoice and grieve at the same time.

Today as most of us are around loved ones, rejoicing and experiencing the true meaning and gift of Christmas, I ask that you take a moment and pray for those who are trying to find a reason to get out of bed today. For those who are struggling to find self worth, those who have lost everything in a fire, a relationship that meant so much to them, a loved one, a child, a sister or brother. An adoption that didn’t go through, those who don’t have enough money to provide for their family or to put enough food on the table. For those who are homeless, addicted to drugs or alcohol, that have unforgiveness or bitterness in their hearts and for those who are walking so far from the Lord.

Remember it is not at all our place to judge someone, their lives or what or how they may be walking their journey of life out. It is our job to love on them in such a way that they want to run into the arms of Jesus because they want what we have. It is so uncommon for someone to love without condition. So many people are wounded and have painful, painful stories of how they have been rejected, abandoned, judged, or not loved on in time of crisis. Lets be different this holiday season, lets take a stand as Christians and show true love, Jesus in the flesh. Show people why God allowed a virigin to give birth to His Son. Why he came into the world and why he laid there on a cross, experienced a horrific, painful, crucifying death and why we live because of what HE has done. Let the world know being a Christian isn’t just a surface thing to do. Let people see why we chose a relationship with him, why we surrender our lives over to him and why with HIM leading, guiding and directing our paths, that he is the way, the truth and the light.

My prayer for all of you who are hurting today is that God pours out an abundant amount of comfort and shalom peace over you. That you feel and embrace his presence and that you see a glimpse of hope and a reassurance that the ones you have lost are walking hand and hand with him and watching over you. For those of you that have lost so much, are addicted or just flat out broken, I pray that God would bring forth an army of people who could provide for you in such a way that you experience a deeper, more significant, life altering, transforming love. I pray that there is a time today, even if for a small second,  that there is a new sense of hope and that a deeper smile ignites your soul.  That the flame that has been lit radiates through your inner being and the new light within allows your eyes to glisten and glean with a new faith and love.  That a spiritual family comes alongside of each of you, weeps and rejoices with you, that won’t judge you and will love on you, encourage you and help hold your hand as you persevere through a cloudy, dark, dreary storm.

I do not know why we have to experience heartache and pain. Why the loss of a loved one hurts so deeply and why we face trial after trial in life. But I can tell you this. The losses, the trials, the heartaches and pain I have endured have lead me to a place of deep reflection and surrendering my life over to the Lord. It left me in a place where I was face down, begging and pleading with God for some sort of relief, hope, anything just so I could lift my head up and take in a small breath. I have not experienced some of the pains some of you may have but I have walked down enough bumpy, rocky narrow roads that I know the deep emotional pain you are experiencing.

Today as we celebrate His life, I pray we can celebrate your new life in Him. If you have not taken that leap of faith, if you have one foot in but too scared to put the other one in, jump. He will catch you and he will not allow you to fall so deep again. Remember what the significance of Christmas is, remember why we celebrate this day and remember why life in him is so much greater than life without him. Trust, seek and you will find a life everlasting.

Merry Christmas love you all