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In The Stillness Of Rejoicing

In The Stillness Of Rejoicing

For THIS is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it.  I know there are days we can all have the feels of doubt, weariness, fear and anxiety. I know there are days the enemy tries every and all tactics to slither his way into our lives causing...
I Am In A Place!

I Am In A Place!

I am in a place where the faucet of my life is running, and I cannot seem to shut off as the leaks that are popping up all over the place, saturating places of my life that I “thought” were patched up well. I am in a place where holding onto that one last thing I...
On My Mountaintop

On My Mountaintop

As I sit here in silence, standing in the courtrooms of heaven, standing before the throne room of Grace, in a posture of complete surrender, know I am lifting you up in prayer.  We are all trekking through some sort of mud right now. Today, as I trek through my...
Even The Strongest!

Even The Strongest!

Running our race with perseverance. This is something I strive to do yet there are moments in time when the rug gets stripped out from under my feet and life’s tornados knock me down for the count. Not because I want to be laid out in the ground all bruised up from...
Taking The Fall

Taking The Fall

When change happens, especially in my life, I can find it so hard to let go of the vine that has kept me attached to the things I believed I needed to survive. My vision can be blurred as I can settle into a place of complacency, even though the things keeping me...
Preparing Your Heart

Preparing Your Heart

I am praying you can take a step back from the craziness of life and spend some one on one quiet time with the Lord. Praying you ask Him to prepare your heart for the next steps He is asking you to travel. Praying that as you experience Him in deeper ways a complete...