I love this picture so much for so many reasons. Right before I left for Nashville last week John and I went to the Hillsong United concert. While worshipping God gave me an image of a butterfly, vibrant in color, on a branch flapping its wings. He spoke deep into my soul and said, “This is you. You have broken out of your cocoon and you are about to fly.”
Wow what an incredible image to have right before I was about to speak of my brokenness, the darkest nights of my soul and how God redeemed and resurrected ALL things for His glory.
After my first speaking engagement God showed up again during worship and I received an image of the same butterfly now flying, soaring high. He said, “look you are now flying.” Be still my heart. My prayers, my journey my deepest longings and desires were being affirmed and confirmed by HiM. He was bringing forth beauty from my ashes and using my ugly moments in time to bring forth hope to so many.
I don’t know where you are right now in your journey or how dark and hopeless life might seem to be but HE promises He will turn our mourning into dancing and bring beauty out of our ashes. Our darkest secluded moments are opportunities for God to meet us and speak to our deepest hurts. They are opportunities for God to work in and through us and bring HIM all the praise and Glory. Do not allow the enemy to come in to steal, kill and destroy. God created you and you are perfectly and wonderfully made. You are exquisitely beautiful and sometimes it takes a little time in our “cocoons” to be able to see the depths of who HE is, who we are and who we are in Him.
If He can take a caterpillar and turn it into a beautiful butterfly imagine what He can do with your life. Trust Him and seek Him and allow Him to redeem and resurrect your soul, so you too can begin to fly.
Love you all deeply