I do not have it all together, I have not arrived in fact I am broken and I am on a healing journey. If we all recognized our brokenness and owned it, got deep healing and allowed God to speak life into the wounds we have experienced we would have a redeemed and resurrected soul and would be able to live in HIS true freedom.
Its when He meets us in our deepest wounds, breathes life back into our dying desolate souls and we have a positive episodic encounter with HIM, our lives are transformed, we see how HE met us and we go out into the nations and speak our testimonies of how awesome, powerful and healing He is..
I pray the Lord reveals to you the areas in your life you have been hiding, living in secret and have been to scared to let anyone in on. I pray the Lord surrounds you with people that “get” you and love on you representing Jesus in the flesh and positioning you before HIM so you can see His vibrant face gleaming down on you with love and delight. You are all so precious and I love you deeply