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No matter what you are facing today, cling to these words, these truths, these promises. “Do not be afraid, stand firm and YOU will see deliverance today.”

I am not sure what you are walking through in this season of life. I am not sure how many days you have been face planted on the ground, on bended knees, begging and pleading with God for breakthroughs, for answers, for a glimpse of hope during your darkest of days, but I want to encourage you all with this. We serve a good and faithful God. A God that sees the pain, the hurt, the heartaches, and the devastations. He sees when you are barrel crawling through the depths of the valley and He sees the fight, the courage and the weariness you are wrestling with. He sees your determination, your faith and He sees those moments when you it all becomes too heavy to bare and you just want to give up.

I understand, I have been there many of days but I want you to hold onto and remember this. We serve a God that promises to cover us with His feathers. We serve a God that in the midst of the turbulence and tsunamis in our lives, promises to be our strong tower, our Prince of Peace and our ever present help in times of trouble. A God that promises to be a safe place of refuge and a God that promises to walk alongside of us and carry us through, no matter what the cost.

Your breakthrough, it will come. It might not be the deliverance you were wanting or it might not look the way you hoped or anticipated, BUT know God is working overtime on your behalf and He WILL deliver you from the chains that are holding you captive. His desire is for us to lean into Him, surrendering all of us to all of Him. Our desires, hopes, expectations, doubts and battles. We need to lay it all at the foot of the cross, allowing God to go before us and fight for us. We need to relinquish our control in order for God to do what only He can do. The only thing God asks of us is to be STILL. Nothing else. We just need to trust Him, allowing Him to fight for us and be still. WOW WOW WOW!!!

He does not ask us to take control. He does not ask us to figure out the paths or the roads we need to travel. He does not ask us prepare the way, or to fight the battle faced before us. He asks us to trust Him. To trust that His ways are better than ours and He asks us to trust that He will conquer the Goliaths, and the giants, that seem to be paralyzing us.

Today, trust in the quietness. Trust in the stillness and trust God is working through the darkest of days on your behalf, paving a way that will leave you in awe. God is your provider, your counselor, your healer and He will protect you as you journey through the tough. He promises never to leave you not forsake you. He promises to turn your mourning into to dancing, your graves into gardens and He promises to make beauty from your ashes. Trust His promises. Trust that He is for you and not against you. Trust that in your not OK that you will find rest, peace and comfort in God. Seek Him. Seek His ways and watch as He unfolds the dynamic, anointed plans He has for your life. Remember in the hard is where you are stripped of the burdens you were never meant to carry and in the hard is where you meet God in the most profound ways. Do not loose hope. Do not loose faith. Cling to the cross and remember, God is good ALL the time.

Love yall and PRAYING you all through.