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My name is Alison Vorlicky and I have been married to my husband John for 18 years and I have three children, Avery, Jordyn and Jace. I was born and raised in a Jewish family on Long Island NY, and I have been sober from the world for 20 years now. I know this probably sounds sort of funny to you, like I am standing up at an AA stating my name and how long I have been sober but all laughing aside, it is my reality. Twenty years ago I was in a dark and lonely place where drugs was my coping mechanism in dealing with the deep pains my soul just could not bare. Twenty years ago, after begging and pleading with an unknown God to rescue me from the treacherous waters that were so quickly drowning me, On July 3, 2003, I surrendered my life to the Lord and God quickly grabbed ahold of me and brought me back onto dry land breathing life back into my desolate soul. From that moment on I have been on a healing journey with the Lord and to be honest it has been a crazy hard ride but God has been so faithful and has brought me to deep places of healing and freedom.

My daily prayer, the deepest cry of my heart is for God to use me, my life, the testimonies of His faithfulness and goodness and how He uses ALL things for His glory and good, to lead others to the cross so they can experience and embrace the healing, lavishing love of Jesus. To take what the enemy meant for harm, what he tried to steal, kill and destroy from my life and use it to glorify and magnify God. My eyes are fixed on the Lord and I have prayed countless prayers for Him to purify me and use me, taking all the pain, wounds and suffering I have and continue to endure and use my transparency and vulnerability to lead others to knowing His great name.

After years of friends encouraging me to write, I began a journey of blogging nine years ago. Having walked many broken and dark roads, God laid it on my heart to write about how God has used every trial and hardship I have encountered to glorify and advance His kingdom. “Wrecked To Redeemed” was created to prayerfully bring the hope of Christ to lost, broken and wounded. It stems from my life growing up in a dysfunctional Jewish home where God was not mentioned to eventually surrounding my life over to the Lord. It is about my journey of abuse, rejection, and abandonment and how God restored my broken soul as I found redemption in Christ. This blog is an ongoing honest, transparent and vulnerable story of how God has continuously met me in the trenches of life and how He has carried me through the darkest of days. It is a testimony of His faithfulness and goodness and how He uses all things for His glory and good. It’s about continuously positioning ourselves before the healing, anointed hand of God and it’s about finding freedom through HIM.

About eight years ago, when my oldest daughter was in second grade, while witnessing what all these young children were being faced with (bullying, gossip, jealousy, clicks, etc), the Lord pressed it upon my heart to begin leading these young girls in bible study. God has opened opportunities far beyond what I could have ever imagined and has allowed me to be used to help lead others before the magnificent, glorifying, healing arms of Jesus. From this, Wrecked to Redeemed Ministries was formed and we are currently leading bible studies, Ministry movie nights and small retreats. Wrecked to Redeemed ministries is a non-denominational, non-profit Christian ministry that empowers youth and adults seeking spiritual growth, healing and restoration by fostering a deeper relationship with Jesus through bible studies, coaching, mentoring, retreats and speaking engagements.

My prayer and vision for this ministry is BIG. My hearts greatest desire is to bring encouragement and the hope of Jesus to the masses. To position the lost, broken and wounded before the powerful, healing, presence of God and for them to experience the depths of His love in profound and transforming ways. That souls would be reignited with a blazing flame of the Holy Spirit and that a revival would begin deep within the souls of all who come to know Him.

I am on a faith journey home with the Lord and I am continuously striving to take steps to become more and more like Jesus. I am on this journey with all of you and as I learn and dig into His truths, the more I will write, teach and speak about the depths of HIS love.