I have been trying to articulate the emotions I have been feeling from the sermon and I have so much running through my brain that I needed to write it out.
So many of us walk through life feeling alone, rejected, abandoned facing challenge after challenge and we allow life’s circumstances to rob us of the Joy God created us with and for. We fall into a trap, a depression because life just can’t seem to go our way, the way we planned, intended and we not knowingly begin to drown in the crashing waves of life’s ocean.
Many of the people we turn too can’t handle the reality of our situation and instead of coming alongside of us, walking this out and loving us through our circumstances they cast judgment upon us, speak wounding words towards us, reject us and leave us hanging out to dry alone. We are saturated with the heaviness of life and more often than not we can’t seem to lift our heads above water to breath, non the less survive.
What most Christians forget and fall short in is that when we or one of our loved ones is facing the hard seasons in life, they aren’t facing a “flesh” issue but a demonic issue. One the enemy has set out to kill, steal, destroy and to rob us of any and all JOY we should experience through Christ Jesus. You see when faced with anxiety, depression, hurts, wounds and deep pain we need Jesus to heal. To make all things new and to resurrect what the enemy tried so hard to steal. When we or one of our loved ones is under the attacks of the enemy, it is our responsibility to stand in the gap. To stand on the front lines of the battlefield projecting, praying, fighting off the enemy and covering our fellow brothers and sisters In the anointed authoritative blood of Jesus, praying His healing and shalom peace over them.
Today you portrayed this so very well and had a transforming impact on so many. During this entire movies serious you have taken movies that have captivated the audience and you have allowed God to show you Himself In all things and you have taken that anointing and have used it well to captivate the minds, bodies and souls of the masses. You preach the heart of Jesus. You preach His desire to heal the sick and brokenhearted and you faithfully preach His redemption, resurrection and anointed unwavering love. You don’t sugarcoat the Gospel infact you are the Gospel. You know the scriptures and you hands down preach the Jesus.
So many churches are falling short in what and who Jesus is. So much is based on works, money “fitting” in and never really get to the heart of Jesus. God tells us to be different, to become less so that others may become more and He tells us to LOVE, especially our enemies. So many churches “preach” this but don’t show their churches how to walk this out and live this out. We teach to Love the way Corinthians 13 tells us to but yet we don’t take Into account that most if not all of us are damaged and broken due to the love or lack there of in our own lives and and we wind up wounding more people because many have never encountered nor experienced the powerful Love of Jesus. The love that once experienced will transform you and your walk and your testimony of how God met you, embraced you, saved you and brought you to freedom will lead you to run and proclaim from the mountaintops how He reached His hand down to rescue you from the pits of darkness. How He redeemed ALL things and how He resurrected your life and the MASSES will come to know His great and faithful name by what He transformed in your life.
That is Jesus and that is what you do so well. You position people before the presence and embrace of Jesus. You communicate in such a way that opens their hearts to receive His anointed touch and you guide them, leading them into His warm loving embrace.
Thank you for being different. Thank you for bringing heaven onto earth and thank you for hearing and seeing the heart of Jesus and week after week bringing it to us. Well well done good and faithful servent.
My prayer is that we can all walk Into this world having a better understanding of the brokenness around us and that we would help position people before the healing touch of Jesus. That we would truly be instruments in leading others to the cross
Be blessed in abundance